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Everything posted by Tuzo

  1. Fred Hams created a commercial utility bantam.....the Chaucer Gold. It has NHR in it but I can't remember what else....
  2. I visited last summer...... its a place you have to visit if in the area. Loved Bamburgh Castle myself.
  3. Don't worry about it.
  4. A good supplement is a grit mix for pigeons called 'The Matrix'..
  5. I'd go with Darbo , leghorn bantams lay a lot of large eggs.
  6. You've got the right idea Bud
  7. Sorry to be picky but IMO things such as these have more credence when they are spelt correctly.
  8. I suspect the S/s in the title means single shot ?
  9. If my mind is right they were ringed with SDU rings..... Short Distance Union
  10. No the milers look very similar to normal racing pigeons.
  11. Yes Samba - the last few from here were sent to keepers in Barnsley I'm sure.
  12. Used to be a 'shorty' park near where I live. Sunday mornings were great.....The birds were like darts coming across the allotments. Never seen any bird since trap as fast as they did. There was a TV documentary filmed here and Barnsley I think.
  13. Older hens will take longer to come into lay after winter but I'd say they should be laying or very near.
  14. I'd imagine it's the white cabinet type with a round hole on the front ? Give it a bash Bud.....
  15. Yes a friend of mine used one. Was a decent machine.
  16. A grass is a grass, no doubt he was being paid so it probably wasn't just dog lads he stitched up. No doubt he dropped some local dealer or gangster in.
  17. Benzyl Benzoate should see it off.
  18. Tuzo


    I don't think he shed his ginger coat - I'm sure it was hand stripped.....
  19. All good thanks Goldy, long time no see - keep well and good luck in the New Year
  20. Very cheap those.... was looking at some yesterday at a show and they were 3 times that price.
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