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Everything posted by Tuzo

  1. A slow worm......they are actually a legless lizard. Kept loads as a kid we do crazy things as kids dont we.
  2. I'm 96 then........... Your as old as you look................there again hang in there kid 96 aint that bad.
  3. Get the vid posted to 'Youv'e been framed' then buy him a pen with your £250
  4. I for one think its a good idea, i'm prepared to trust the integrity of the mods/admin in weeding out the correct people.
  5. It wasn't me who gave you the spots fella, i've been tested and found to be clear........unfortunately i cant say the same for the rest of the convent, er i mean rugby team.

  6. If its the case i'm thinking of the lad pleaded guilty because there was 4 witnesses against him. I dont think what was on here actually convicted him. If its a different case then i apologise.
  7. Excellent result Col and Ratch..............the poultry men will be happier now.
  8. ah its disgusting, i dont know how people can do it.......................lol.........................silly cow
  9. I think if you cast your mind back you'll remember i was offered him............. He only came here because he would have been wasted where he was If my mind serves me right he aint pure yam..............he has kinpa in there somewhere..............
  10. He'll be fine for breeding this season.........
  11. Wanna buy a decent yam ?????
  12. Now now funky munky, you wouldn't want me showing everyone the pm's you sent me asking for advice about the yellow spots.......lol

  13. no point putting a dog up for sale for him tonight there will be know one there to see it lol he doesn't sell dogs..........only his mates do...........
  14. De arrested you ? Cant have been any room in the cells.....................lol...................the only people de arrested i know of are troublesome piss heads..........
  15. Was it to do with illegal hunting ? Could it be something more sinister ? Could it be that MB is running an illegal cult and has been getting people to visit him and brainwashing them ?
  16. Mark are you purposely keeping people in suspense ? Do you get your tactics from Eastenders ? FFS tell folk whats going on...........you want the publicity, you've nigh on got a fecking press conference here.
  17. So what were you arrested for Mark ?
  18. You'll not get run over in them fella
  19. I got caught beating once........all i got was a thick ear
  20. Thats it What bird is it as it does not say?thanks mate never seen any round here before.Cheers mate Its a fieldfare MR T. You wont normally see them mate because they are a winter visitor only. Lots of them here at the minute.
  21. http://www.dungevalley.co.uk/Birds/fieldfare.jpg
  22. All hobs, the middle one was born 2007 and the other two were born 2008
  23. This is my sons bitch, she's 3/4 grey 1/4 bull
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