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Everything posted by Tuzo

  1. I thought Pygmy Pouters have feathered legs ? These look like Brunner Pouters ?
  2. Douwe Egberts or Milicano for me
  3. We have two on a beck in Middlesbrough
  4. Yes mate that would be enough I'd guess as long as they can feed.
  5. You want to be giving them around 14 hours light but a little either way won't hurt.
  6. I'd agree with belucky....the extra light is needed to allow enough time for feeding to promote health and growth.
  7. One machine that's worth a mention is the old Curfew, especially the cabinet incs. Often on ebay around the £200 mark. Old but reliable - and parts can be bought from Interhatch.
  8. I've a couple of friends using them - one says they are brilliant but the other had lots of problems with bent toes. Obviously he's not got the machine at a sweet spot.
  9. At those volumes I'd go with MS. The new Heka machines look good but haven't used one so can't really comment. Brinsea are ok but I'd not put them in same league as MS or Heka
  10. With time in the sky they'll improve. To get the best from them they need a routine. Random feeding and flying isn't good for them.
  11. Check out Bob Ellis for birds. He has a website.
  12. It was Corus Rex but it was sold out to SSI a Thai company, they have gone under leaving masses of debt but the worse part is they left the furnace in state it cannot recover from.....they didn't empty it ! I wonder why ?
  13. Whatever you decide mate I hope you lead a long and happy life from here on in.
  14. You'll not beat Ficam. .....
  15. Nice pics mate......even second time round ;-)
  16. Nice birds Keiron. ....hope you breed some nice ones from them
  17. Lots of fowl and waterfowl have lost their instinct regarding breeding due to domestication. Also they know there is a ready food supply so that doesn't hold them back. What will happen though is any 'late' hatches will struggle to attain full potential with decreasing light and lower temperatures.
  18. Having the same problem so I hope you get an answer
  19. zx12edge do you have experience with that set up ?
  20. I've a nest of Bb's in a bird box.... they cause me no problem so they're welcome to stay. How long will they remain in the box ?
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