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Everything posted by Tuzo

  1. Shall we wax each others chests and rub in some lavender oil? No we'll let Foxyjo do that.......... Are you going ?
  2. Strongstuff will have a go if you make it into a dogging competition, he's bound to win though because he's had so much practice. @ WILF..................didn't know you were into man boobs..... .......its looking good for me and Simo
  3. YOU CAN HOLD HIS TITS UP IF YOU LIKE LOL........... well done, if you need a braffur you might as well gat an amerfor as well
  4. Tuzo

    Purse Nets

    Are the toes included in the deal ? What size are the nets ?
  5. I look forward to having a night out with you, just me and you, the stars and a nice soft blanket.

  6. There's a first time for everything Lucky.........i know of a merry band of ribbon hunters who will be in attendance
  7. Tuzo

    la Roux

    Gotta say i like her....... not a bad lass, check her interviews out on youtube.
  8. A proper little Cedric !!!

  9. The bitch is in a muddy field, who's to say she hasn't just had a hard run ?......she doesn't look underweight to me. Some saluki types have a very lean physique. Stop jumping to conclusions.
  10. wooley terrier n lurcher show 25th july judgin starts at 1. plenty going on here as its wooley horse show . show just off junction 38 M1 signposted on roundabout. any info needed contact paul on 07970896253 Posted from another site
  11. Have an old book that was loaned to me by an old gent, he died before i returned it...his family said to keep it. Also got a knife that was gifted to me by my 'best man'.....it has hallmarked solid silver pieces on the handle.
  12. Tuzo


    As it says on the tin........
  13. Tuzo

    dog transport

    To travel within the UK John or to Ireland ?
  14. Anything for a pretty face........ :kiss:
  15. WOULD YA TAKE £350 AND A SIX BOX OF MR KIPLING VIENESSE WHIRLS?????? Thats tempting.......
  16. It was just what Simo preferred
  17. Simoman has asked me to advertise his bull terrier....now he has found true love the poor dog has fell out of favour. Hope you dont mind Simo, i put it on epupz for you.......... I sure hope that its WILF holding the dog and not Foxyjo........ http://www.epupz.co.uk/clas/viewdetails.asp?view=270979
  18. There had better be a stag night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Lol Mal........so if its a shit hole when they arrive they leave it a shit hole.....
  20. Tuzo

    There were three in the bed and the little one said roll over, roll over

  21. When i saw the title i thought it was about Simoman and Strongstuff picking daffodils
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