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Everything posted by Tuzo

  1. Coming to our house should answer that for you...............lol
  2. Cleveland.........or can meet in Yorkshire.
  3. its ok tuzo, do you just keep ko's out of interest, dont want to be nosy just curiose More or less yes, have kept a few other breeds too but none presently. Now that Yakido are back in the UK I hope to take up a pen or two of them.
  4. Asils are not my thing Charlie, thanks all the same though.
  5. My thoughts too Stu, the hen would be a useful starting block. A small reza over her should keep the size down.
  6. Already done it.......oh sorry better not say that, you'll be panicing-again.
  7. Tuzo

    Ko Shamo

    Why is that ? ......... I'll hold on while you go ask a European
  8. Tuzo

    Ko Shamo

    LOL........you won't want this hen sending down then ? She's the mother of bottom bird.
  9. If you only want a few birds to run about the place then they are as a good as any other, if however your wanting something that is pure and a fair example then you would probably be better off looking for something else.
  10. What are you wanting them for Reddog ?
  11. Tuzo

    Ko Shamo

    I have some birds for sale
  12. Put my pairs together and now have a few spare birds. Pm for details.
  13. Yeah Millet she's growing well now........
  14. The pup wehave here from the litter............. This is Bella......
  15. I'm with Claude, none in the UK.
  16. how would you remove the scent gland ??
  17. No he waits till they're 18 now..............
  18. I'd say 3-4 hours..............about 200 mile.
  19. Its a pity your in Northants Jo...........you ever get up this way ?
  20. I'm in the NE Joe.........don't part with much Jo but do part with some now and again.
  21. Its a fake, its a normal elephant superimposed. I wonder why he didn't zoom in or get closer ?
  22. Great pics again Moll, its not always about quantity.....its the quality that counts and it looked a super day.
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