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Everything posted by Tuzo

  1. Looks to be ginger bred, bit difficult to assess in that position Joe.
  2. a total f****n nightmare mate , what happened there you got hammered..................
  3. You should sign these collars and limit them to 1000......... ............people wil be buying 10 at a time and putting them on ebay.
  4. Grape produced some good dogs.
  5. And now he's for sale ? I wonder how he performed
  6. If its canker then Milton sterilising fluid in the drinking water will work on it. You just need to deoxidise the infection.
  7. If your wanting Ko Shamo Joe then don't use him. It would be a backward step.
  8. Tuzo


    If I did that you'd have no chance.........
  9. Tuzo


    If you can get some of Chickenstu you'd not go far wrong.........................
  10. If Darcy did one I'm sure the content would be limited. It would be like writing one on gamedogs. There are none out there for a reason.
  11. Beauties Stu.............
  12. I'm sure his marriage had already broken up, poor fella probably felt he had nothing left.
  13. He looks good from the front, a bit pale in the face though ? There is a lot to like about him. Where/who did he come from ? Inbox me if you wish.
  14. SS, if I like them they stay...............Is nice to read positive comments but ultimately if they please me (enough) then thats good.
  15. Last year I hatched around , I start culling at day old. Any with obvious defects like bent toes are culled straight away. Then its just a slow process as they mature, thinning out the ones that don't fit the bill.
  16. 43's....................lol
  17. And like I say, if you and they are happy to do that then crack on..................doesn't mean it suits me. I breed to better the line I keep not to help people out with eggs. I guess I'm in a fortunate position that if I wanted quality shamo or asil I could get some from friends FOC..............thats how we roll here.
  18. Never sold eggs Ko Man, I have sold birds though. I breed for myself, I keep 1 or 2 stags each year then cull the majority of whats left. Some that make the grade will be passed onto folk I know or sold. I don't see the logic in selling what could be the best bird you are ever likely to breed.
  19. HOW DO YOU MEEN ???? IVE GOT SOME REALY GOOD STOCK BIRDS MATE I SELL MY EXCESS EGGS ON FLEA BAY ALL GOES TOWARDS FEED BILLS AND BEER TOKENS WHATS WRONG WITH THAT If your happy doing it then crack on................I value my eggs a lot more than to offer them to any Tom, Dick or Harry.
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