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Everything posted by Tuzo

  1. My kennels are that size and they cost me £20+ just for materials.....................I'd say this kennel is a bargain for someone.
  2. The 500 may have been sold when it was rather cheap (first published). I hope you get your price for it scruff - Cawston's prints are definately rising in price. I do notice though that a lot of ebay sellers are asking inflated prices for Cawston prints, some of them not genuine either. Good luck with the sale, its a nice scene.
  3. The thing is scruff something is only worth what someone is willing to pay, its seems no-one is willing to pay your asking price so does that mean its not worth what your asking ?
  4. back for a few weeks then sunny wales. Keep well...........
  5. I won't do once these go mate...........they are on the transfer list.
  6. Pretty good Goldy, you home for good or just visiting ?
  7. The commonest way of aquiring red mite is via wild birds.
  8. If you mean the club show it was on three weeks ago.
  9. Got the above for sale as I'm not using it. Its the same as the one in the link. Wanting £100 plus p&p. Located North East. http://www.ebay.co.u...=item1e6d84cb34
  10. Tuzo


    I'll get a few pics of ours up tomorrow..............
  11. I wish mine had good shoulders on them at 2 months old Mez
  12. And others are like their fowl pens.......................full of shit.
  13. http://www.slimshader.co.uk/mgalbum.htm
  14. Is the white an English Bull terrier cross ?
  15. The net is full of pictures, you'd get far more results googling images that what you coud get posting on here.
  16. Tuzo


    Its worth looking/asking here........ https://www.(!64.56:886/#!/groups/178705028854586/
  17. Granville is/was also a prosecuter so has a good idea of what will be thrown at you. He is a wily old fox..............but his suit could do with a good iron.
  18. look listen please dont bother with clive he will take your money like any other mod day dick turpin go straight to the best solicitor and strike while the iron is hot I'd agree with that, find a criminal solicitor that is used to finding holes in statements and reports. Clive is £1000 a day..............ok if your on LA. He will also make sure his accomplices get a cut too, the lady vet who is now a barrister and the badger expert :yes:
  19. Were the dogs classed as evidence ? Were you found guilty of neglect or cruelty ?
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