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Everything posted by Tuzo

  1. Polycarbonate sheeting, like the stuff used for conservatory rooves.
  2. Its not always about money with birds. Some folk like to see others getting on so are willing to help.
  3. Gamerooster, do you then think that folk who hawk their wares on the net are only selling shite ? There are folk on here selling on a number of sites (birdtrader etc) who reckon they have the real deal ? @ Tiny.......if someone were breeding Asian Game for the show pen they wouldn't need to worry about colour, its not something they are judged on.
  4. I'd say it was more likely a fishing basket ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-FISHING-CREEL-BASKET-/150920798678?pt=UK_SportingGoods_FishingAcces_RL&hash=item232394a1d6
  5. Better to buy here, will save you a few quid. http://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/SearchResults?an=horst+schmudde&bt.x=0&bt.y=0&sts=t
  6. I recognise that cock Gray............
  7. You are probably copying the wrong link........ its the img code you need to copy, its the bottom one.
  8. What size and model soapy ?
  9. Different people will give different answers but the commercials will probably be best.......also depends on how you are rearing them ?
  10. As above, looking for a decent chainsaw.......preferably in the NE.
  11. How many British lads imply and use innuendos in relation to their birds ?...........there's a few on here, but there again thats the usual suspects flogging fowl.
  12. By putting pictures up like that you are doing neither the birds or yourself no favours.
  13. Cant understand that ? I will check if my mail box is full.
  14. The wife keeps a decent brazillian
  15. Caveat Emptor............
  16. No need for any detailed itinary Bud, I dont doubt you met up with some genuine guys from Germany. By all means introduce yourself at a show, would be good to have a natter face to face rather than on here. Unfortunately I wouldnt be able to introduce you to any gamefowl men as they dont go to shows. Drop me a pm and I will tell you which shows I will be at.
  17. Abel are you not on OTG anymore ?????
  18. Yes Bud I know what thought did. It stuck a feather up its arse and thought it was a chicken. I just wanted to clear up the fact that you so despise shows yet travel to one in Germany to meet some guys in a carpark. The genuine gamefowl men I know of dont meet in show carparks.....but each to their own I guess. Good luck with all the strains/lines/breeds you keep and sell.
  19. Thought you didnt go to shows Abel ?
  20. Yes the ring is a bit tight and will come off, but its not German.......I wonder what gave you that idea . And I know before you tell us all those things dont interest you. Still an educated was Germany as most Yakido breeders are based there these days like I see at Cologne. It must have a Dutch/Belgian held Passport then. And yes you answer your own question indeed Bud. He is English bred. Funny you mention Cologne.......I was just talking to a fella the other day about Yakido being shown in Cologne !
  21. Yes the ring is a bit tight and will come off, but its not German.......I wonder what gave you that idea . And I know before you tell us all those things dont interest you.
  22. Longer and out of proportion for what exactly? for a shamo :fool: looks a bit short to me. A shamo ? He aint a shamo PJ.
  23. LOL...........I say Gran, Gran, Gra, Gra, Granville..................
  24. looks like one of mine Nah its a bit better than that............lol
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