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Everything posted by Cleanspade

  1. i like the wee deer on the road good shots
  2. anyone own or tried this rifle. its a new model so i believe. i'm told it was manufactured by Crossman but Remington has branded it. its at the cheaper end and a break barrel putting around 11.5.
  3. i'll be up. and show face. maybe show one of bills dogs for you lol. be nice to see a good turnout for this show
  4. small compact with good bone. with a history of work and a few years under its belt. liked the look of this russell has everything i like. in a terrier if this terrier works like he looks. then i would consider useing it also like this terrier still small but different build altogether with working background and a couple of seasons under its belt. then it would be a nice choice. pics arnt my terriers but help to show what style of terrier i prefare. edited to add could be a good thread this. and if i was to pick one point it has to be. size. due to the fact if i
  5. nice dogs them plenty f bone in em . good luck with em. nice to see an honest post with no macho ballsh1te
  6. a well bred russell or crossbred will do what you want as will most terriers.. but if your set on a plummer i cant stress enough how important it is to choose wisely the stock you get your pup from. the plummer terrier club of great britain are under new management and enourage all legal terrierwork. they have a facebook page so maybe have a look on there.i also like many plummer owners keep more than one type of terrier. good luck in whatever your choice ask to see the parents working . if the owners of them arnt willing then walk away without a pup. and if you dont feel
  7. are you talking terriers . if so what breeds. how many plummers have you owned and worked.
  8. i work a plummer Dan. and she is streets ahead of any of the other terriers ive kept as a bushing /ratting/rabbitting/ferretting/shooting.partner. there is just no comparison. . they are same as any other breed. good and bad. i have another bitch but she isnt in the same league. i can speak with experience of a veriaty of breeds and if you get a good one and spend time with it. you wont look back.
  9. i'm building a shed in fife and kinross country. and one of the fife n kinross lads does the pesting on it. wait till he see's me on there lol.
  10. anyone that wants a smaller neater collar for a smaller dog. Email the man. i did and got the same quality in a smaller size for my 12 inch terrier. as my standard ones where a little bulky for this dog. Simples.
  11. had some fun with this trio double act this one is a minny hound lol
  12. often terrier lads live hand to mouth. and they had to make a pound in whatever way possible. whippet lads around me as a lad used to sell pups to get there beer money. as the pittence they earned fed and clothed the family. breeding and selling QUALITY pups is not shamefull. its something to be proud of. as long as it goes hand in hand with honesty . totally different from the lyeing cheats that flog sh1te as good stock
  13. less is more for me these days. one of each for me. a busher and a runner. we used to get some good days with a larger pack. but the bigger the pack the more the hassle.
  14. instead of moaning put something interesting up. ya bunch of boring old tarts. guess what i saw today. ...........wait for it.. my very first jet black .................Pugerdale. once you go black you never go back..... .
  15. i use my terriers for bushing always did. ive had the odd problem but nothing worth writing home about. dan the best bushing dogs ive seen are russells and plummers
  16. some old pics of russells. before camera.s. shows us they aint changed as much as folk think book from 1890s
  17. a nice smooth i owned and worked no less than three terriers in the lines of this young terrier. a nice young prospect.
  18. a nice black and a very happy auld fecker winning the crossbreds.
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