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Everything posted by Cleanspade

  1. give it to a keen young lad if its in it. a young lad will bring it out.
  2. you will get a better response in the ferreting or bushing section. . this section is mainly for dogs that go to ground.. i would sway towards a plummer or russell. or a crossbred. if it has to be a terrier .
  3. na they generally have a pal with a couple of handy yappers. or there is always the rifle.and lamp .helps to keep permission for the specialists. also my las word i agree its been done to death and there are two sides to a coin.
  4. and if it wont bend it may snap. a good bolter or terrier that can be called of is the most usefull sort of terrier there is. if you have pest control in mind. you can have ten foxes bolted by the time you have dug one. many places for one reason or another are either very difficult or impossible to dig. if the fox wont bolt you call out the terrier and stand back down wind still and quiet and nine times out of ten you will have you fox. dogs like this take little damage so not only can they be used multiple times a day they can be used week in and week out in this manner rarely being
  5. get some working pics up of these little terriers working fella's
  6. no i will send him some of max soon.
  7. i think he may get up a bit yet but dont see him turning in to a monster. like i said he has charactor and will do me a turn. looking forward to getting him out more. his milk teeth are all out bar one so should be at a few rats with the gang soon.
  8. max update . he is gonna be a lump of a terrier mate. really nice charactor. full on with everything. coming along with stock breaking and learning a few manners. cheers. cs
  9. then we have to agree to disagree. your entitled to your point of view.
  10. i refare kev and northernlight to Kays earlier post. . and now will take anything you put up as potential drivel.
  11. i have no problem with this. i like to think i'm a balanced individual. each to there own i say. better a good upbringing with a gay couple than a poor one with a straght couple. the one thing i often think about is gays saying they have the right to be a family. what about a childs rights to have a standard heterasexual family. mmm who knows. food for thought
  12. they ARE sold and the reasons are many. when relationships break. when someone passes on. when they give up . or more often when the dog dont suit em/ size / work style. some folk like a big un some folk dont like a dog that will stay for ever. The most common reason in my opinion . you will get the chance of a good un. is when the seller wouldnt know a good dog if it bit him on the arse.
  13. nothing wrong with useing a staffy. but it wont compare with a terrier bred for the job. bigger and stronger may have its benefits . however it will have its drawbacks also. if your set on a big strong dog there will be plenty oversized terriers up for grabs they will have all the benefits of a staff ans a few less drawbacks. good hunting
  14. max picking up the spoils from the adult terriers he is coming on well . but he is a big lad. still with milk teeth but bigger than one of my adult plummers .
  15. thanks for sharing Kay. cracking shots
  16. try weihrauch owners worldwide on FB. you will get a fair valuation on there . i'm shooting one i tidied up just now. cracking gun
  17. hi forest. a wee pic of Max. jees this lad is a chunk. 12 inch tts. comng on well and all the signs are good hows the others doing lads
  18. my old parson done me a turn. seven years dead now. but there are a few with his blood doing a job now. same as any working dogs. you need to source working stock
  19. first cross whippet wheaten. around eight or nine i think.
  20. 23 inch tts. just under 60 pounds. decent all round pesters dog. and just about unbreakable. made by tonka. happy hunting.
  21. if one of them turns out a decent worker. it could end up in the gene pool. black terrier ped unknown.
  22. awesome birds. top pics. thanks for sharing
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