I really want to give deer stalking a go ( i live i northern Ireland) and want to no the best place to start i no i need to do a DSC-1 but were do you go after that? is it just case of knocking on door till some one lets me shoot on there ground? I there anyone out there who would take me on a shoot so i can see what its like?
I consider my self to be a s**t shot i could not hit the side of a cows arse with a fist full of rice lol, after reading all the post i think my problem is a numbers game in 4 years i might have shot 300 rounds and i would embarrass my self but saying how much i have hit. what i would like to no is how much the average parson shoots in a year, one guy say he shoots 10000 surly that would be above average?
I have been shooting g for about 4 years, i don't get out much 3/4 times a year if im lucky. I don't expect my self to be get by now but I'm still terrible. So can anyone give me any tips and is there anything that might be wrong with my 12g shot gun that might causing the problem. Is there any easy way to gage distance when shooting either?
im new to working ferrets and want to no is a ferret find a must have? how long would i expect to be hanging around weighting on them coming back out ?
im new to hunting with ferrets this year and got 3 to start with, but after a few weeks they got out and went to play with the dogs they did not last long the dogs done 2 off them in the other 1 turned up in a bag off ferret food lol
i would love to have a go at the deer hunting i never had a culd u need a liscence for that as will,
were in ireland north of south can you do it, how much dose it cost to hunt a deer, any idea were i might be able to get more land to shot any thing
I am just about to send off for may rifle lisence and have to say at the min all rifles r the same to me so if any one can saggest a good one to start off with that would be great, how big a diffrence is there from 1 rifle to another?