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Everything posted by x38

  1. thats it a bit of training not lamping we have all got a pup to fech a dead rabbit (or did it take it of the older dogs ) whats the big deal if it had taken it of an older dog so what every body to their own lighten up just havening a lol
  2. how are the pups breed m8t in the blues post

  3. good look and take your time
  4. thats it a bit of training not lamping we have all got a pup to fech a dead rabbit (or did it take it of the older dogs )
  5. : :clapper: thank feck some one with abit of commensence........... back of the net....
  6. tow blue bitchs ready in 3 weeks one smooth and one rought
  7. look on my profile on topics( help)
  8. just because a dog goes out when its a young pup it doesnt mean it will yapp behind its quarry, there are plenty of dogs that get taken out when they are older that yapp behind quarry. 10 weeks you take yours out at 1o weeks no yes i do. as soon as they have there first jab there out lamping anything from 8-10 weeks. pups are capable of doing alot more than people think. its never hurt my dog and i know others who use the same method and there dogs seem to have turned out o.k aswell. good look with that
  9. just because a dog goes out when its a young pup it doesnt mean it will yapp behind its quarry, there are plenty of dogs that get taken out when they are older that yapp behind quarry. 10 weeks you take yours out at 1o weeks no
  10. so when we getting it in a wood m8t as soon as shes big enough to mate wouldent mind trying the 1/4 bull 1/4 whipet grey ive got tho shes 18 months old now ?? lets do it i no a hot spot for the munte :whistling:
  11. theres a book out (dogs that yap and how stop it) he will need it :clapper:
  12. so when we getting it in a wood m8t
  13. thanks for that you cockhead,[bANNED TEXT] an arsehole that went over his head :clapper: :clapper:
  15. the next thing will be (my dogs shit dont get a dog from such and such )next fox 15weeks (and guess what the lines shit ) and no mention off (ive not got clue and its my first dog )dogs in the wrong hands get rehomed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(a k a hepe with my rescure lurcher and another dog f****d up through no falt of ITS own but such is life....... a shame
  16. just wood stuf and roadkill fox
  17. the bitch in the bottom pix is tumbler x 3/8 5/8 bull x
  18. ive got a dog that needs his toe off to be fair how much would it cost and would it put presure on the next toe?
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