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Everything posted by x38

  1. nice pup mate, yeah the little shit dont keep still long enough lol. is the pic a close up looks a big pup. hows the sire bred mate and has he seen much herd a lot about this blackwater stuff....look well lads hi mate all i can tell you the sire is a pie or pye bred bullx 3/8 5/8 has seen enough by the looks of it and as for this blackwater stuff you better talk to x38 if he'l tell yer. ................sire 3/4 grey 1/4bull 27tts x dam 3/8 bull 5/8 grey 25tts 31/1/2bull 69/1/2grey...??
  2. see the dogs are as interesed at home as in the field................... ...only pulling you chane :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
  3. looks well mate ......you will have some fun with them
  4. when i was training the ess....thay got 15 min in the mornning and 15 in the evening.......so work or not it can be done ....

  6. BREAKING NEWS: We need to send money to the following country: BRITAIN,There are many without food, shelter, and clean drinking water. Residents are going without heat for the winter, health care for the sick, and proper education for the children. STOP SENDING MONEY OVERSEAS. We have people here that lack basic human needs...

    1. stroller


      you have my f*****g vote!!


    2. x38


      lol...can just see it .....

    3. .terrier man.
    4. Show next comments  72 more
  7. lol..............................
  8. its gone tits up ..................

  9. :whistling:and fast on .........
  10. good stuff ..........and a life time warranty not bad either.......
  11. a traveling lad i run my dogs with has done well with one... till he hit a elec/fence pulls up now ......... he should of had the dog checked out after hitting a fence he might have a trap nerve giving him gip to pull up. shame only pulls up when it comes to a hege/fence....... dog can run for fun on big fealds
  12. a traveling lad i run my dogs with has done well with one... till he hit a elec/fence pulls up now .........
  13. that pic a good one ......
  14. x38

    been conned

    lol you been had mate 118 118 he had your number ...... put his name up ..........
  15. And it boils my piss when some one offers you a pup for FREE and then goes back on there word, and asks for money. i personaly fell embarresed for them, and thats when you know your in it for the money
  16. lol that (GORE )for short ....but you new that lol
  17. appose to not payng for a GOOD working dog .....i think when a pup has been gifted to somebody that a lot of people know, will put the work in to the dog. but thats just me, like i said not every body is in a posistion to gift a dogs away, vet bills ect but if you can find the right lads that are prepared to give them every chance then why not i had mine gifted and saw the end product before i had him so why wouldnt you put the effort in, if thats what you get at the end. and its not me having a go. all the best x38
  18. well i have been guilty of selling a few pups in the past, and can see where people are coming from. the past few years i have had a few good dogs around me, some brought ans some gifted. not every body is in a posistion to breed a litter and just give them away. and some are just in it for total profit. i have just had a litter, and touch wood they have all gone to working homes. in differant inviremants, and may be will be put in situations that i can get them in without traveling. its about how far the dog can go in the right hands. i think a dog that has been gifted to some body that may
  19. x38

    Teachers Strike

    teachers working till there 66 .......ffs ..............we want teachers at the top of there game not at the end of it ......my lads got ADHD and is a hand full some of the teachers that are at 50 are strugeling with him now............good help other pearents in years to come .......but a best of british .......
  20. what the hob and jill work like .........i found 1/2 was to much but 1/4 was ok to work not as fast.........how do you find them .......
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