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Everything posted by x38

  1. most of the lads on here have a hunting beak once a week lol ......... you no who you are
  2. and how many of you have a set day in the week for lamping / out with the dogs ... whats you tally at the end of the season ....
  3. as above, how much quarry would you expect to put infront of your dog, from pup to 3yrs old? i no theres a lot of lads out there that actuley try and put game in front of there dogs reagular, and lads that really should get out abit more. So on rabbits/teeth/antler, by the age of 3, how much would you say..... all the best x 38
  4. had a good night over darby .......dog had a near mis with a stone wall ......thanks lads ..

  5. sold......................................thanks for the intrest
  6. 280 pm me ... box/coll/charger/mag .........
  7. pay the cash..........you wont regret it .
  8. how old is the pup there 3 1/3 month ?? or there a bouts ...this is her now ...
  9. one way to get the pup to walk on a lead ......not
  10. f*****g cows but got to more............

    1. Simoman


      Perhaps he was lamping and fancied a snack?

    2. bullmastiff


      I get the same thing here, the beef bullocks stampede around the field scaring everything off and then chasing the dog out the field! The bugger have made me dive through the hedge more than once!

    3. blackstaff


      Empty your inbox mate ;)


    4. Show next comments  63 more
  11. 476 achers of good pigeon shooting land up for grabs you will have keys to gates and numbers for the gates in side the mane gates ....2 referance and the understanding ta you dont lamp it ...pm... me in and its around cov/rugby/leiciester....thanks
  12. 476 achers of good pigeon shouting land up for grabs you will have keys to gates and numbers for the gates in side the mane gates ....2 referance and the understanding ta you dont lamp it ...pm... me in and around cov/rugby/leiciester

    1. x38


      lol that what got the last 2 lads kicked of ....


    2. Simoman
    3. owlsurfer


      Hi treid to pm you but i think your in box is full

      atb. Colin

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  13. one hole no kick out and 4 foot dig pup done good .......

    1. long dogs

      long dogs

      well done mate be glad when i get a bit

  14. pigeon shooting any one .......up for it

    1. DottyDoo


      whats the matter mate, they bullying you awready lol

    2. x38


      no mate just got to get some one to take on the land and not f**k it up ....


  15. Message to all the rioters.. U wanna be big men and fight, well get your sorry little arses on the next plane to Afghanistan and stand alongside real men, they're called soldiers and they are fighting a war unlike you bunch of pathetic wastes of space.....

    1. Born Hunter

      Born Hunter

      They arnt worthy of standing anywhere near one of our soldiers! Skin the b*****ds alive and use their hides for boot leather.

  16. get in back in to the pigeons so thought i would put this up ....... The eight most common health problems with our pigeons are: Paratyphoid, Paramyxovirus, Canker, Cocci, Worms, Adeno-Coli Syndrome, Ornithosis and Candida. 1. PARATHYPHOID (Salmonella) Paratyphoid can be caused by un-sanitary conditions and the contamination of feed by rodents. It also can occur when introducing new pigeons into the loft, without checking first if they are healthy. Before putting new pigeons into the loft, isolate and observe them for 5 days and put them on a preventive medication. Symptoms
  17. a few of the sire.... just think there not toys dogs and kids dont mix
  18. If they worked for 45 years...BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER TOTAL YEARLY BENEFIT £6,000 ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS / REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN TOTAL YEARLY BENEFIT £29,900The average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of the UK for the last 40 to 60 years.Sad isn't it?

    1. Simoman


      The way our ex-service OAPS are treated is disgusting

    2. Malt


      Totally agree Simo.

    3. scothunter


      exactly,all the people who served this country during the war.should never have to pay for any tv,gas.electric.and should get as food aprcel every week from those money grabbing supermarkets.

  19. the aggressiveness must be from the bitchs side ....lol.....the sire wouldet hurt a fly ...
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