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Everything posted by Tiercel

  1. That is your choice. Personally after over 20 years of long netting I think you are makeing a mistake. All nets pick up twigs and leaves, some more than others, but the ones that pick up the most leaves and twigs also catch the most rabbits. Wait till you see the rabbits bouncing off the 6z, because the twine does not cling to the rabbit as it is too stiff. I would rather spend a little extra time cleaning a 4z that has caught most of the rabbits that have hit it. Than cleaning a 6z where the majority the rabbits have bounced off the net. TC
  2. No if's and's or but's if you want to catch rabbits, it has to be 4z every time. As to who to buy them off? Thats up to you but just make sure that you get 100% slack in the net. Ask them how many meshes are in the net a 100% slack net will have 90 meshes to 5 yards of net @ 4" mesh. TC
  3. good for you coming back to answer them mate to many folk on this site quick to pick up on little things like spelling, i know it hard when you know what you a saying and it looks right when you type it but it is wrong. some folk just need to learn that they might be hurting peoples pride on this and should stop and it they dont the moderators should give them a warning after all it's a public forum and you might have turned away after CHILDNESS remarks like that. but then again it was a mod that decided he was better and would point out you spelling mistakes. yet that was wo
  4. I lost a Jill last year and the kits were 4 weeks old. Feed them on goats milk don't use soya milk. If you cannot get goats milk use lactose free kitten milk. Add some to the mince you are feeding them and dont forget to make them defecate & pee after every feed. Mine were on a feed every 4 hours for the first 2 weeks then I reduced it down to 4 aday as they ate more in one meal. Good luck. TC
  5. He lives in N Ireland and the postage will be the same as for mainland UK. TC
  6. The baskets look fine but it is the ferret box company that is selling them. So if you would get it before the season starts in another thing TC
  7. Thats correct as the post says "Under 3 pound!!" About a pound and a half under Your being generous there that Fish is about 13" thats just over the pound in my book. Either that, or he has hands smaller than a 12 year old. TC
  8. Lady Gail Lady gail was owned by Swansea skipper Paul Radford along with the Lady Helen. She worked the winter cod fishing and summer bassing back then, approx 20 years ago.
  9. I love doing the veg garden, but my back garden was a hell of a slope. so I made some terraces. First one I made out of stone. The next two I made from wood. This is how I made the last bed out of wood again. Marking it out Taking shape. the finished job with 4 ton of topsoil in. A lot of work but worth it in the end. TC
  10. These items seem familier. http://shop.ebay.co.uk/tony9087/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340 TC
  11. Then I would go for 25 and 50 yard nets. That is what I use. If you wanted 300 yards of net I would go for five 50yd nets and two 25 yard nets. If you know the distance of the ground you wish to cover with the nets, ie a feild that is 225 yards long then you could use 4 x 50 and 1 x 25 yard net. To get an idea of the length of net you need you can use google earth that has a measuring utility is this pretty good. Just type in where you want to look at. Post code or a nearby village etc. This chap has good feedback on another thread in here perhaps he could help you. http://www.theh
  12. Can you give a description of how you want to use the nets. Is it for night time long netting or for daytime ferreting or bushing. The length of net is determined by how you wish to use them. TC
  13. You will not get a 300yard net without having at least two joins in it. Or do you want to buy 300 yards of long net? TC
  14. Tiercel

    end pins

    Thats about it, the reason it needs to slide is that when you are shooting the net you do a clove hitch around the top of the peg with the head line to keep the net up and tight between the pegs. A single loop around with the foot line around the bottom of the pegs. Therefore the amount of line that is used for the head line is greater than for the footline. If you had fixed endpins it would never work out, there would always be slack in the net and the net would endup sagging between the pegs. TC
  15. Tiercel

    end pins

    This is how the end of the net should look when it is set. Heritage is right when he states that you have to splice the lines. However with some braid it is near on impossible to do. So you sew the lines together. TC
  16. As long as the net has 100% slack you will not go far wrong as far as catching rabbits go. You can either put the net on end pins or with a short net say 5 yards or so, you can place a peg at each end of the net and just roll it up when you have finished using it. TC
  17. You have the right idea there. Once you have the first couple of rows in place just keep on knitting the net till you have the desired length. Just remember 2 rows = 1 mesh. so if you want a 5 yard net with 100% slack you then knit 180 rows that equals 90 meshes. When you have finshed the net thread the running lines through the net by tying it to the the loop of twine that you started the net with. The end of the net you will have to thread the lines through by hand. TC I have just reread what is written and it's a load of old B0££0cks. Note to self, do not post when full of cid
  18. Tiercel

    any help

    Have a look at this NET REPAIR It gives a pretty comprehensive guide to repairing nets. TC
  19. Sorry to correct you on a point here longnetter. As all commercial sheet nets are made for Fishing they are by your definition all measured from 1 to 2. Just because Steve @ advanced knows what you are talking about when you ask for a 15.5 MD 50mm net, does not mean that every one does. I think that the confusion comes about from making purse nets that are measured by rows not meshes. people then talk about x amount of rows with a 2" board and are counting those rows as meshes.. TC
  20. As you stated mally, not wanting to get into an agument. Please write all you know about long netting stick it on the back of a stamp and post it to me. Basically you are talking through your ar$e. The only time you offer anyone help in longnetting section is when you have something to sell. In fact looking back the only time you post is when you have something for sale. TC
  21. Mally, 54mm is a half mesh, the correct size would be 108mm mesh. TC When i order my sheet netting it's measured knot to knot as i order 200metre x 54mm mesh sheets mate. You are correct it's 108mm but it's sold by the suppliers as 54mm mesh (knot to knot). I like this mesh size as the rabbits heads go through and there caught. They don't seem to bounce off like they sometimes do with the 50mm mesh. Mally what you have stated is correct I use 4.25" on all my hand made nets. At a guess you are getting your nets from a rabbit hardware supplier. Just a little tip. No
  22. Mally, 54mm is a half mesh, the correct size would be 108mm mesh. TC
  23. There is no real viable alterative to the Basket for a pre set system. The problem with long netting is that you cannot have it both ways. Each of the two mains ways of setting a net have their drawbacks. Apart from the lack of veristility of the pre-set net the main drawback is the basket that you have to lug around with you. That said, a 50 yard net is the same volume and weighs roughly the same weight, no matter what system you use. Each system has it's pluses and minuses it's up to you to decide what system suits you. But, without trying both you will never know. TC
  24. Had some sheet netting delivered today, and it was only posted last Saturday. Then when I opened them up 4 sheets of 200yards of netting all in the wrong size. Makes you wonder?
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