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Everything posted by Tiercel

  1. The place you are talking about is loughor. Number one on the photo is the roundabout you describe and number two is the rock scar I was talking about. The reason marks become popular is because they produce fish. There is usually a reason why they produce. Very often they will only produce in certain circumstances, ie westerly wind, rough sea conditions or even high pressure. The only way to find out is to fish the marks in all conditions and find out what works best. The mark I have shown you works well on high pressure for bass. The reason being that during high pressure th
  2. If you mean llangenech, not very good for spinning as by the time the tide has got there the water is almost pure mud. Good for flounders latewr in the year september onwards till december on maddies. If you want to spin for Bass then Lougher would be a better bet from may on. Just the other side of the railway bridge there is a stone scar jutting out, pick a rising tide just under the 7 metre mark high water around 6 pm and spin in the race as the tide eddies around the scar. You would need to be there about two and a half hours before high water to catch the first of the flood. TC
  3. Like, All the well meaning posts. Dislike, All the well meaning posts, when they give out false info. TC
  4. Tiercel

    New net

    I have been out with nets for the last 30 years fish and rabbits and please believe me when I tell you 4z will out catch 6z 2 to 1. As for picking up rubbish all nets pick up rubbish some more than others granted. But what would you prefer to do spend more time taking rabbits out of the net or less time cleaning it? I use 1.5mm lines on my nets and have never had one snap under strain yet. Although, I have had them snap when a rabbit has chewed part way through the line and I have not noticed, but that is my fault for not checking. TC
  5. Tiercel

    New net

    Your best bet is to throw the 6z you have in the bin and use the 4z if you want to catch rabbits. Even 1.5 mm braid has a breaking strain of 45 kilos so you will not snap it with normal usage of the net. A rabbit will chew through a 3mm line just as quick as 1.5mm so nothing lost there. One thing though measure the distance between the poles and count the meshes there should be 18 full meshes for each yard of net for 100% slack in the net and get some more poles for the net. 7 yards will be alright on a football field but on undulating ground you need the poles at the most 5 yards apart. T
  6. That is because you know what you are doing. AJ
  7. get martin kings book peg to peg. everything you nedd to know in order to get statred is in there..read it front to back then practice in the day TC
  8. Well done, There are not many people who can take advice. No matter how well meant, not all advice, is good advice. But you seem to have sorted the wheat from the chaff and had a result by doing so. TC
  9. Get yourselves a JES knife you will never look back. http://jesknives.co.uk/ TC
  10. I stopped using Opinals many years ago because of the wood swelling and being unable to open the knife. I now use a JES hand made knife. The blade is of high carbon steel similar to Opinals. (never had issues with the Opinal blade)The knife is a pleasure to own and use and I must be honest here, it is my pride and joy I never thought I would say that about a tool. TC
  11. Pm Smithie he has a few for sale. TC
  12. GWP Those who have and use them know. No barking, scratching, whining, head down the hole or fuss just good solid marks when there is something at home. TC
  13. The brown rat Ratus norvigicus is an introduced species. The black rat ratus ratus is the only indigenous rat in the uk. TC
  14. Try tying in the netting 90 meshes every 5 yards that will help with the picking up. Also let your end pins get rusty that stops the netting from slipping off them. If I can manage a 50 yarder with this hand I bet you can. TC
  15. Actually I have used them but for the purpose they were made for, and even then they are crap, first sign of frost and they become brittle and break. They are also not UV stable in that like most plastics uv rays break them down. Just get you arse into gear and go and cut some hazel, been used for 100's of years, cheap and works. TC
  16. How true!!!! LMFAO TC
  17. Without a shadow of a doubt it should be 4z, 'if' you want to catch rabbits. As too the pre-set net or traditional that depends on your personality if you are the type of person that gives up at the slightest set back then go for the pre-set. If on the other hand you are a determined person then go for the traditional way as it is a lot more versatile than the pre set. It may take a little longer to learn but it does pay dividends in the end. TC
  18. In the nicest possible way that has to be the understatment of the year.
  19. For normal ground about 5" is about right from the point to the bottom line, for sandy soil it can be anything up to 8". The depth between the bottom line and the top line should be between 18" and 20". But those measurements are not set in stone you use the nets as they suit your ground. TC
  20. They would be the last people on this earth that I would buy from. Once they have your money their customer service is non existant. TC
  21. 4Z nylon nets, not only are they the cheapest, they also catch very well when rigged @ 100%. If you buy them off of ebay make sure it tells you that they are rigged 100%. If they do not tell you that, then the nets will not catch as they should, as they are only rigged @ 50%. TC
  22. The simple answer to that is no you wont need to. one of the reasons for adding a selvage mesh is to help the net hang better and also to protect against wear and tear. knitting by hand the way we do the knots sit the wrong way once on the lines and a true diamond shape isnt formed, the net tries to return to the direction it was stitched. however when a selvage mesh is added we stitch the selvages vertically as the net would hang on the lines. if you add one it will last longer. most sheet netting comes with a double selvage added, if your going to add a thicker selvage then you'll need to bu
  23. No one is disputing that poke nets should have double pegs. What was questioned, was the advatages of a double draw cord over a single draw cord. TC
  24. Could you please tell me, what advantage two draw cords would give over a net with one draw cord? TC
  25. One of the things that people hate doing when they have added the selvedges is threading the lines through the selvedges. In this little video I am threading a line through the selvedges as I make them. I have drilled a hole in the corner of the mesh board and tied a line onto the mesh board. As I then make the selvedge meshes on the board I make them slack enough so that they can be pulled along the board. The way I make them slack enough is when you pick up a mesh hold the mesh approx 20mm from the last mesh the angle of the twine then gives you enough slack to pull the mesh tight agains
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