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Everything posted by Tiercel

  1. A Dipper usually nests under bridges, in stone walls, even found them under overhangs, they have a similar nest to a wren only quite a bit larger. But, they will always be next to a stream or water course, sometimes they will be within a foot of the water other times they can be 10 feet from water level. TC
  2. Waxed rabbit, is a cooking term, it refers to how you get crackling on the rabbit. Everyone knows that crackling is the skin, but not many people know that rabbit skin makes lovely crackling. All you have to do is wax the hair off the rabbit first, hence the term waxed rabbit. AJ
  3. There are a lot of bee keepers that would love to know where that swarm is. Cracking pic. TC
  4. Well done that man, I wish every one had that ethos. TC
  5. That would have been a nice fish when she first entered the river. But as she is now a kelt I hope you let her go to try and get back to the sea, she has done her part. TC
  6. Ha, but your way although it's the right way Rolfe, you dont get paid for multiple visits. TC
  7. Sorry but this is absolute nonsense. Cheers Gillaroo I think we will have to agree to disagree on that point my friend. TC
  8. Fishing "flies" like a muddler or catswhiskers is just spinning with a fly rod, so one lure at a time is enough. However, when fishing flies that are tied to represent natural flies, there is nothing wrong with a team of flies. Just MHO. TC
  9. I hardly ever fish now, but when I was fishing regular 3 or 4 evenings a week I always tied my own. One thing I noticed though, that when tying your own less is more. The majority of flies that you can buy are over dressed, and as has been stated are designed to catch anglers not fish. Ideation has the right idea, simple flies fished naturally will always out fish the gaudy pattens. Many years ago, as like most people when the put and take "Trout fisheries" were springing up all over the place. fell into the lure chucking type of fishing, fooling myself as I went home with a limit bag eve
  10. Just worm them with either Milbre-max or Panacur both kill the Angiostrongylus vasorum worm that cause French heartworm / lungworm. I have been preaching about this for nearly five years now ever since I lost a dog to it. By the time you see the symptems it is usually too late, and just a matter of time. Worm them with either of the above every 3 months and your dogs will be fine, a word of warning though, do not use milbre-max on dogs with collie blood in them, it can have an adverse effect on the dogs. TC
  11. I feed dry food to my ferrets but only as a standby, for that use, it is invaluable. That said the best diet for ferrets without a shadow of a doubt is whole carcass food, from which they obtain all thier dietry needs. I would go as far as to say dry food may even help when feeding meat if the meat is just joints of meat with no intestines/fur/feather present, for the ferret to get the little roughage it needs. TC
  12. Give Nigel a ring he will sort you out. http://www.agouti-nets.co.uk/ TC
  13. You will get a lot of different answers to that question. But those that know will tell you, 4z in either quick set or traditional. Traditional is cheaper and pre set is easier to learn. TC
  14. Bloody hell, I would not even hold one yet alone eat a bit. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article700700.ece TC
  15. Start off as if it is a purse net, start it on a ring even. You can always cut the ring off later and all it will have cost you is one row of net. Choose the right twine to use, agouti's long net twine is alright. Don't be in a hurry to finish it take your time and try and enjoy knitting the net. Don't be afraid to put it down for a couple of days, it's not a race, you have all summer to finish it. Good luck. AJ
  16. Waardenburg Syndrome is a genetic disorder that is rare in humans, but more common in some animals – the ferret being one of them. There are four types of Waardenburg Syndrome. The ferret is affected by Types 1 & 2. If a ferret is affected with Waardenburg Syndrome then it can have any of the following symptoms: > White stripe along the top of its head > White toes and white knees, > Wide set eyes > Slightly flatter skull than normal ferrets (although this would be hardly noticeable). > Deafness Cleft palates can be a sign of Waardenburgs too al
  17. What I find really funny in this thread is, that no one has picked up on your ferrets. It is quite possible that they both have Waardenburgs syndrome. The one at the front has one of the major symptoms of Waardenburgs in the white stripe that is running down the middle of its head, it is very faint but it is there. Without seeing the ferrets from all angles it is impossible to say for sure. TC
  18. The lad was 16 and thought he would live forever. He had tunneled in the dunes for years without any problem. As I stated in my first post, gently undulating dunes are not a problem. It is the steep dunes that cause the problems. They get a mark on the locator, 3ft, no problem! But, they have to tunnel in the side of a steep dune, They are a foot away from getting the ferret when it moves away from them, towards the centre of the dune. Do they say we will wait till the ferret comes out? Or, do they tunnel on hopeing to get to the ferret and rabbit before they move again? All I am doin
  19. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/8119358.stm
  20. It really depends on the type of dunes. Large dunes that look like miniture pyramids are a pain in the butt, as you cannot dig to the rabbit, unless you are carring shoring with you. Gently undulating dunes are not so bad, but be prepared to dig a very large hole if you do have to dig. TC
  21. Back where he belongs. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-12861295
  22. The nets in that link only have 50% bag totally useless. If your buying off of ebay make sure that the advert says that the nets have 100% bag or slack. TC
  23. Anyone else had one of these pm's? My reply. Now blocked. TC
  24. If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen springs to mind. You were getting a gentle ribbing about feeding dried food and you lost the plot. Dried food is a good standby, that is all it is, the best diet for ferrets is what the wild polecats eat!!! No ifs, ands or buts, Fact. If you are gullible enough to belive what a person with a vested intrest has to tell you, then it speaks volumes for your intelligence. Just an observation. TC
  25. I though it was biased towards the hunters, which is no bad thing. Now if the BBC had done the program, every anti in the country would have been given a voice. TC
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