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Everything posted by Tiercel

  1. 10 yards in the right place is better than 100 in the wrong place. The shortest drop I do is a gateway, I have a few drops where I cannot even get a 25 yard net out fully. You are never going to have great numbers but you will pick up rabbits even if it is one or two. TC
  2. What no one has mentioned is that a blackbird is a natural quarry of a sparrow hawk. (Hence the availability of the licences) If the hawk does catch a blackbird the bird does not go to waste as it is used to feed the hawk. TC
  3. Sounds good, if it had the brains of a collie and the stamina of a saluki it would be a good dog. But, what if it was the other way around? TC
  4. With great difficulty I should imagine, all summer travelling to shows thoughout the country, and rabbiting in the winter. Best of luck to them. Not to forget the W T Credits where would we be without them. TC
  5. http://www.trapworks.co.uk/ Well worth a look quality second to none. TC
  6. Some will, some won't. But if it is a chewer it will chew through a 6z at the same speed as a 4z. TC
  7. Have a look at this thread it was posted on the 2nd of June. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/53400-roe-rings/ TC
  8. Was talking to BK in the Welsh yesterday and he only has 3 1x's left so he said. TC
  9. I came off an hour ago and the transits were having a problem, but every thing else was no problem. TC
  10. Thinking about the buzzard after I posted last night, the bird was only about 20 foot off the ground and as it's talons were clenched I was wondering it it had had a go at something and it had got away and the bird was still looking for it? Just a thought. TC
  11. Mal, I passed one hovering today, it was hovering above a piece of rough land abouit 20 yards off the road. What really got my attention was its legs, they were down and the talons were gripped into a ball. It was hovering just like a Kestrel with its tail wide open and very short rapid wingbeats (rapid for a Buzzard that is)There was not a lot of wind 15MPH if that, but it was facing into the wind. I could not stop and watch it as I was in a line of traffic, pity as I would have loved to see the outcome. TC
  12. I still have a 200,000 blue eye in the shed somewhere. If memory serves me right a 14AH wet cell battery would last about two and a half hours lamping, depending on useage. TC
  13. 1. Blue tit 2. Spotted fly catcher 3. Great tit 4. Pied flycatcher 5. Was going to go with Redstart at first, but the absence of feathers in the nest and 8 eggs makes me think Pied flycatcher again. 6. Spotted flycatcher TC
  14. Another photo that conveys a mood, ney It's more than a mood it tells a story of the day and is captured in one milisecond. It takes a special photo to do that. Well done. TC
  15. Once again stunning photos, there are some really talented photographers on here. The sky in the bottom picture really does it for me, beautiful. TC
  16. Tiercel

    New net

    I am going to the Welsh, but not sure what day yet. A sheet of netting is 1800 meshes approx 200yards of stretched mesh in 100mm / 4" mesh if you know how many meshes the net you have is you can work out the weight from the weight of a full sheet 2.3 kilos. IE 10 yards of net with 100% bagging is 180 meshes so that is 230g in 4z. TC
  17. Have a look here there are some good videos on the site. agouti nets tutorials TC
  18. 10 points to ponder Number 10 - Life is sexually transmitted. Number 9 - Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. Number 8 - Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich! Number 7 - Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks. Number 6 - Some people are like a Slinky.....not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs. Number 5 - Health nuts ar
  19. Tiercel

    New net

    Good question!!!! How can I explain it in words? Weight is a major factor the diameter of the twine is another. Without haveing them side by side to compare, to a person who is not familar with them it is bloody hard to say the least. If you were buying a sheet of the net one way would be to pick up the wrapped sheet in the middle, with a 4z net the ends of the net should bend and be almost touching beneath your hand a 6z sheet would not bend that far. However, that is not a foolproof method as some 4z's have a heavier coating of bonding and that makes the twine stiffer. Another way would be t
  20. ^^thats rubbish.So what your saying if you can't get a dog to ignore other dogs it'll never be able to be stock trained. I just re-read the post and your right it is rubbish. ( That will teach me to post after a night on the cider) What it should have stated was, that if you can get a dog to ignore other dogs before you start stock training it, your job will be a lot easier. The principles are the same and if it does go tits up then there is no livestock to be harmed. TC
  21. I think most of the others missed the irony of this post. Personally I think it is quite funny in an ironic sort of way. Perhaps a bit of punctuation would have helped others understand it a bit better though? TC Going by his reply above tiercel I would say there was no irony in his original post. I had not read his second post when I made my post. Now that I have, I have to agree with you and Simoman that the irony was not intended. Another big whoops by myself. TC
  22. Stock training a dog is not hard. But, different stock take different methods. The object of the training is to get the dog to see stock as he would see trees, ie; totally ignore them. The dog knows that they are there, and it must pay them as much attention as he does to the trees, they are just part of the landscape. To do that, the dogs must be familiar with the animals, neither fear or covert the animals. One good way of training a dog to stock is first get them to ignore other dogs, when walking on the leash as a start and loose as they progress. All the above advice will sereve to do
  23. I think most of the others missed the irony of this post. Personally I think it is quite funny in an ironic sort of way. Perhaps a bit of punctuation would have helped others understand it a bit better though? TC
  24. Where abouts you are in S Wales would help people. TC
  25. I think that the best bait to use is what they are feeding on. I have yearly infestations of rats and the first signs are where they have burst open a bin bag to get at the sunflower seeds from cleaning out the parrot. Once I see that I prime the traps. I have found sunflower seeds good, peanut butter has worked well for me also. The best bait I have found though is dried ferret food, they seem to love that. TC
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