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Everything posted by Tiercel

  1. I bought 4 of those about 10 years ago, they are still going strong, and they were only £6 then. TC
  2. I am not into catapults but I know good work when I see it. TC
  3. Yes, the granddaughter loves them. TC
  4. Those are my go to first earlies, nice flavour, boil well and make cracking fried potatoes when left to go cold. TC
  5. The same as every thing else potatoes are subjective what you like I may not and vice versa, that is why there are so many varieties. In work we have so many varieties throughout the year, must be close to 15 different varieties. Each has their own particular texture, taste and time when they are at their peak. Potatoes take a lot of their taste from the ground they are grown in, the ph of the soil, temperature, rainfall and weather will all have a bearing on how the final article will cook and taste. Many years ago I tried International Kidneys (Jersey royals) They were a disaster, broke
  6. doesnt matter the angle of the dangle, it's all about the sag of the bag I have been waiting for you to post in this thread. Once I seen the first post I thought of you and carraghs gem when she found a laptop with you logged in. TC
  7. Only if you miss them, once hit they do not get the chance to learn. TC
  8. A mere drop in the ocean, have a look at some of these sites. https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-most-popular-forum-on-the-internet http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-biggest-internet-communities.php TC
  9. To quote an old saying. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Is that not just the truth. TC
  10. No rugby this afternoon so I am at a loose end. I got to thinking about past dogs, the good, the bad and the downright ugly ones. It is surprising how far back I can remember, now if that memory is a true reflection of what happened is open to debate, but I believe thats what happened so it makes no difference really, it is only my self I have to please after all. Was never one for photo's I would take the odd one but that was it. Funnily enough some of the most memorable moments no picture could do justice to, like the morning we pulled up outside the café where we used to meet after a ni
  11. http://mobilering.net/country/23681-hunting-horn.html http://ringtonemaker.com/ TC
  12. Seeing this thread now, reminded me of things I said when I was young, an aunt told me of an episode I had when young where I wanted to know "who I was before I was me." Apparently, I was insistent that I had been here before but I could not remember who I was. Now if those thoughts were caused by dreams or just an over active imagination (read fecking liar) I have not a clue but from what my aunt told me it went on for quite a while and I really made a big deal out of it. The thing is I seem to remember thinking that, but only after the prompt from my aunt. So I am not sure if the prompt cau
  13. The way I see it is, the power of the human mind has not as of yet been fully explored, but if ever it is there will be some shocking revelations. TC
  14. Over hyped but odd none the less. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4109868/Spooked-Little-girl-left-absolutely-terrified-doll-appears-head-objects-fly-table-pushed-room.html?mwv_rm=rta TC
  15. Fec me I though I had a shit day, the couple of posts above sort of put that in to perspective. TC
  16. There is no doubt that to people who suffer from poltergeist activity it seems pretty real to them. Who is to say? When these happenings occur they do seem beyond the control of the people they happen too. TC
  17. Don't get me started, most days are a disaster but today has taken it to a new level. TC
  18. https://www.google.co.uk/#q=sea+buckthorn+northern+ireland Fill your boots, plenty of links there to be going on with. TC
  19. Just what I was going to say you will be lucky to find any this time of year. TC
  20. I really feel sorry for you, but WOW!! 3-4 weeks is some staying power no wonder you don't get it often. TC
  21. Too true, I have watched three so far and enjoyed every one. Even the Irish one about eating 3000 year old butter. TC
  22. If you can find them try Arcade, one of the best first earlies for chips and they boil nice with bags of flavour. https://www.europotato.org/display_description.php?variety_name=ARCADE TC
  23. FFS a couple of days where it may snow somewhere in the country. It's Winter what the feck do you expect? TC
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