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Everything posted by Tiercel

  1. 2016 winner. Nowt wrong with her. TC
  2. The bill is ready to be put before parliament Labour MP's want four amendments to the bill. The SNP want fecking 60. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/01/26/revealed-57-word-bill-will-give-theresa-may-power-trigger-brexit/ TC
  3. If we banned every one for trolling, there would be hardly any members left on the site. There is a unspoken rule of thumb that all posts should encapsulate common decency, and respect for fellow posters. It is when these 'rules' are broken that problems arise. To be honest he has not done anything yet, that would warrant banning within the rules of the forum. He has been playing games and has been found out, insensitive? Yes. Stupid? Yes. Malicious? I really don't know, I would like to think not, but there again they are just my opinions. So that is why I offered him the option of not logging
  4. More concerned for the reputation of your religion than the victims.Rip Where in my post did i say that , ir you just pissed off thst its nit a muslim lol. Pathetic.We all know if it was a muslim the first replied wiuld be its the religion of peace that did it, everytime. But when i say thank God one of us didnt do it you ne like ow see they more concerned bout that then the dead. Whos the real devious here Your pathetic. Stirring the pot at the expense of human life. Rotten swine Hypocrite What is hypocritical about an honest post? You state you like grand strategy well I think you
  5. This what they have gone for on ebay in the last couple of weeks. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=little+dogs+with+big+hearts+j+darcy&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=&_sacat=0&LH_Complete=1&_udlo=&_udhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=15&_stpos=SA15+3SN&_sargn=-1%26saslc%3D1&_salic=3&_sop=12&_dmd=1&_ipg=50 TC
  6. Tiercel


    You do realize christianity age of marriage is when girl teaches puberty , so under christian laws a 40 years old man can marry a 12 years old. Why do ignore this fact. I mean every ancient religion in the workd is like that . There was no such thing as over 18 . So every religion is pedo according to modern world marriage age. The difference being that Christians obey the law of the land they are living in. In our country that is 16 and the girl has the free choice of who she marries. Now tell me that is the same with Muslims living here? TC
  7. Ah well I did try and help, another "Mam move me I am burning" when standing in front of the fire types. TC
  8. Have a read of this. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/311153-risk-assessment-and-method-statements/ TC
  9. No mate, lambing now. I thought it was closer to spring. Cheers It depends what market the lambs are destined for spring lamb, summer lamb etc: Most lambs born now are in big polytunnels or atcost type buildings where they are protected from the elements. TC
  10. Tiercel


    Perhaps it's the wife looking to trim you down a bit, subtly? TC
  11. I was told 20 odd years ago that cider is good for arthritis don't know if it actually does any good but it sure does numb the pain of an evening. TC
  12. Have a look at some of his other videos he even runs down a deer, catches rabbits with snakes as well. Yehh, I recon it's a piss take on Steve Erwin. TC
  13. Right strop on. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4128748/Sturgeon-second-independence-referendum-likely.html TC
  14. One of Jamie Bulger murderers had a bungalow here. I cannot remember correctly, so I am not speculating but the bungalow was empty pretty sharpish after the news got out. TC
  15. That doesn't sound good Last year environment offices had their cars taken off them. They now have to use they own cars to get to incidents. TC
  16. About 2 years ago there was a post created for a forestry pest control officer. The person who got the job was fresh out of uni and did not know a badgers arse from a sand lizard. TC
  17. My DIL is / was an environment officer with them, don't know what she is called now. They are restructuring at the moment and there seems a lot of uncertainty about which direction they are going in. TC
  18. You just don't get it do you? The antis are closing us down, little by little they are eroding the country way of life. When Bill says to Jan there is a game fair on tomorrow do you fancy a day out? No she replies I seen it on face book, they are all Badger baiters and dog fighters. Bit by bit our way of life is declining through misinformation to those ignorant of the true country way of life. TC
  19. For the weight and carat you describe £875.60. http://www.scrapgolduk.co.uk/scrap-gold-calculator TC
  20. Kranky throwing her toys out of the pram already. TC
  21. I have to agree with socks a beautiful moment, which was spoiled by me on the last daughter, by me asking the young doctor who was stitching the wife up "If she could stick a couple of extra stitches in as this was her third." The wife lost the plot and called me everything. TC
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