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Everything posted by Tiercel

  1. WTF is it with ITV, again no Italian representation in the studio, one Irish man and two fecking English men. WTF is that all about? Pissing me right off. It's Italy V Ireland not fecking England FFS Rant over. TC
  2. Nice bit of Bokeh in the last two photo's. TC
  3. Just watched this interview, it really does show that no matter who you are, what you have achieved disease has no respect. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/38882483 TC
  4. Tiercel


    First picture is not so bad, second one TC
  5. Tiercel


    Always never? Thats the Welsh in me. It should read just "Never." TC
  6. Really? Two words,"Hunting Act." TC
  7. Tiercel


    I was always never bothered by heights, but the last few years I cannot even look at a photo of someone in a high precarious position. I looked at the first post in this thread http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/366443-i-get-a-nosebleed-just-watching%f0%9f%98/ as soon as the video started I had to knock it off. I could not bare to look at it. I am not bothered going up ladders or on high buildings I can cope with that, but the famous photos of a bloke sitting on a rock with nothing below him, or the chap eating his lunch on a steel framework, just send shivers up my spine. Irratio
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/08/brexit-debate-vote-live-theresa-may-pmqs/ TC
  9. She had a brain tumour as socks said, she was also a concert pianist. In this day and age 45 is no age. RIP young lady. TC
  10. There was an article about them on pigeonwatch many years ago. It's shooting for the boys. One person claimed that him and his mate joined and were given fields to protect, but anywhere were there were a good amount of pigeons, were kept strictly for those who were in the clique. TC
  11. This was supposed to be a funny joke thread? TC
  12. As a Bye I am sitting here thinking about all the negative rhetoric that was spouted by the university educated remain campaigners. I have a little smile on my face (of course that could be just the single malt) thinking how to a person they got it all wrong. Not that they believed a word of what they spouted, they just expected we the great uneducated to believe them, and do as we were told. As my mother used to say "Shock they had then," said in your best Welsh accent. TC
  13. Fair enough TC of course those other things are important and very valid reasons for voting out ... Here in the Midlands we have seen the town's traditional workplaces go from bread and butter employers of town people to now employing in some case's 90% immigrants almost over night and add to that zero hour contracts and the town's are fukt .it's made it very difficult for the less fortunate indigenous people to progress with things like mortgages so it gives the immigrants the upper hand as most are not here to settle ...I can definitely say that for most who voted out in the Midlands immigra
  14. The top one looks like a Pochard . The bottom one is a drake Pintail. TC
  15. Have you edited the photos? Because there is little difference in the green eye flash between the American and Eurasian teal in fact they have the same Latin name Anus Crecca only the American version has Carolinensis at the end of it. Yet your pics the green eye flash looks blue. TC
  16. Fens in a tunnel as they should be, or even rat snares? They take time to become accustomed to live catch traps and while I have caught with them they are not great for rats. As an example I usually get a problem with rats in the shed around June or July I always have a live catch trap on the floor of the shed, my thinking there is, when the rat moves in everything is new to it so it takes the trap as part of the furniture so to speak. If I see any signs of a rat I then bait the trap and it usually catches within a day or two. But I find no other rat will enter that trap for a while after
  17. This is the link I put up in the thread that nod put up. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/283991-new-member-tips-on-cage-trapping-rabbits-please/?hl=%20rabbit%20%20cage%20%20traps TC
  18. I do find Sandymere's post amusing, It is basically saying if you do not have a university education you should not be able to vote, because we do not know the consequences of our actions. The DIL has a university education, and is not shy in telling people. It really does annoy her when a person who left school without even a GCSE consistently out performs her in IQ tests. I am one of the great unwashed, who should not know what the consequences of voting out would mean. It was honestly not about immigration to me, it was more about taking back control of our own country. Where if I did n
  19. The standard of photography in this forum is outstanding, you can see people improving as they learn. Long may it continue. TC
  20. One thing that no one has mentioned is the positioning of the cages. All the photos I have seen from people who do it regular the cages are out in the open along side a well used run. There was a thread on here by Nod where he goes into detail about the positioning of the cages with photos but I cannot find it. TC
  21. In our solar system we are governed buy the laws of physics as we know them. It would be fair to assume that all other solar systems are governed by the same laws. But are they? We assume they are but do not really know, we can use the hubble to see far off Galaxies but the information is still processed by the laws as we know them. It is quite possible that each and every galaxy has it's own laws that are different to ours? After all, all the laws are is our interpretation from the information we have. TC
  22. The speed of light is the same for all observers. Is it? Have we been to other galaxies to test that yet? TC
  23. The biggest constraint the human mind has is time. Everything is measured by our orbit around the sun and the time it takes the light from our sun to get to us. But out of our solar system those measurements are meaningless, because they will have their own measurements that are not relative to us. TC
  24. Chris the problem we have as a species is everything on this earth is finite, even the earth is finite. We cannot comprehend infinity, there has to be a beginning and there has to be an end for us to make sense of it. What if there is no beginning and no end we just cannot seem to cope with that and we seem to seek to make sense of it by coming up with theories of a beginning? TC
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