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Everything posted by bullmastiff

  1. You sure you've not been walking your dog backwards Fuji? looks like he's got two eyes to me!
  2. Turkish is correct, my friend emailed GPS4US sales team and they will unlock/re-licence all Garmin hand-held types for $40 so that they will work with the new T series collars in the UK. Looks a pretty simple process, so most people that can roughly use a computer should be able to do it. Result!!
  3. Got a bloody vixen barking outside my house... tempting! lol

  4. Bought mine here. http://www.handtec.co.uk/garmin-astro-320-t5-bundle.html?gclid=CjwKEAjw8qetBRCj6vKH8IC_kwoSJADGQ8dSLZyfeq_RtN8SJmyrHyJqtOK1Sh4Pqm__C-sEa81v0xoCgYTw_wcB
  5. Don't you have a DC50 collar though?
  6. If you have an older DC series collar (DC30, DC40, DC50) then you can downgrade your hand-held device so it works in the UK. It's the new T series collars (T5, TT15 etc.) that are the issue.
  7. None of the T series of collars from the United States seem to work in the UK. When you try and 'ADD DOG' so it can find the collar it will tell you its Disabled...... That's the bit I'm trying to get past now. If you downgrade your Alpha so it works in the UK then it can't recognise the new collars. It can definitely be done as mine was working straight out the box (Alpha and TT15 collar) mind you I bought mine from a UK based website. I'm going to take it to work and get an engineer to check what frequency its running on, mine might be a legal bandwidth??
  8. Well that was an uneventful night. It's been blowing a hooley all day whilst out beating, so out with the lamp get to permission and it's gone dead calm. All you could hear was your boots squelching on the mud! And to top it off my bloody lamp packed up!

    1. walshie


      It's the thought that counts.

    2. bullmastiff


      Pup came with me too for the walk and to watch tess run. He did alright, stood quiet and watched her down the beam as she ran.

    3. walshie
  9. Cheers guys. Now got a nice moleskin waist coat winging it's way down to me! She bought me some trousers to go with it too. Should look a bit smarter then the normal check shirt and cargo trousers I usually wear.
  10. Gps forums seem to think the new T range of collars won't work in Britain but I've got a TT15 collar that works so it must be possible? I just can't find out how?
  11. If you can get it working then it's got a longer range, longer battery life and a more accurate gps. Trouble is I can't find a way of getting it working in the UK!
  12. Any luck with this? Got someone coming round on Saturday to try and help them get their T5 collar working with their Astro 320. Both Items are new and when he tries to pair them it says disabled (I presume because of the GPS location restrictions) I can't downgrade his software to version 3.40 like you normally would for a DC50 collar because T5 collars weren't brought in until version 3.70?? Any help would be much appreciated!
  13. Max gets it as well. Used to have them really often but it has calmed down recently. When i googled it, it said apparently it's most prevalent in fast growing pups, bit like growing pains.
  14. Long story short my wife bought me a lovely pocket watch for my birthday, which was great but I don't own a waist coat to wear it on! lol My mum has now offered to buy me a waist coat for shooting for Xmas. I tried a few on and some of them are just shapeless lumps of tweed stitched together!! Anyone got any thoughts on decent fitted brands please?
  15. I just don't see the point in throwing the dogs out the window? If you wanted to test the dogs then they should of slipped straight away and if they were after meat then why not just hit it or run it to a stop with the car?
  16. Maybe get in touch with a deer park and explain what your trying to do? Just don't mention about working the dog!! Get up close with a zap collar on and set it to its highest setting?
  17. Sounds like it's a family trait as my pup from the same litter does exactly the same! Even when your walking down the hallway, he'll follow me, licking at my hands and nibbling my fingers. God forbid you bend down when he's about as you'll end up with an ear full of tongue and he tries to pull your hair! He occasionally licks the wife's or nippers hands but has never tried to nibble them.
  18. She looks like shes switched on a lot earlir than Max has! He;s still chasing Tess up and down the hedge when were out ferreting! Also he still hasn't learnt how to jump nets, keeps trying to walk through them!! Max, 24" and 22kg Sliced his foot open this morning. Tendons are ok luckily, just a skin tear.
  19. Just seen on Clive Rees Facebook page that a judge in Devon has thrown out a case because the rspa claimed the accused lads that were allegedly hunting were making animals fight and tried to prosecute them under the animal welfare act. He said they should use the hunting act only against hunting cases. It means you can't go to prison or be banned from keeping dogs as you could before as the hunting act carries lesser penalties. When I get to the computer I'll try and cut and paste the info to here.
  20. Was out with Joe on Sunday walking dogs in the forestry blocks and was amazed how rough it was under the firs. We'd been walking up the track at the time when the dogs dissappeared. When the tracker stopped at 300yds we cut into the trees. I couldn't believe how bad it was. With moss covering everthing, what looked like solid ground turned out to be branch's and logs laid at all angles, wet boggy ground, hard ruts and everything in between! Certainly changed my opinion on running that sort of ground! Tess has been pretty bomb proof so far but I really think she'd hurt herself trying to exer
  21. Owned by the same people that make blackthorn!
  22. Just looked on the magners website and it states its made in clonmel, Ireland still? They bought all the large commercial orchards round here years ago. I can't believe they pick the somerset apples transport them to Ireland for squeezing then ship the cider back to Somerset for bottling???
  23. About 20mins down the road from me. Used to be where they made BabyshamSame place magners now comes from. Janet jungle juice is probably one of the best Somerset ciders. Perryscider is another good'un. A lot of the commercial ciders are all made by the same companies now.
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