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Everything posted by bullmastiff

  1. Don't go back Monday to see 'if' it needs removing. That will just be another £40-£60 bill for them to do a check up and remove/change the bandage. Just bite the bullet and get them removed
  2. I've only ever seen one work so couldn't answer that sorry. Reading on here, guys have had them catch/kill fox and I believe one is coming with us in January on the Spanish boar hunt. Im fairly sure Same as the weimaraner it was originally bred to hunt all game, big and small but how many could still do that I don't know?
  3. I guess they prescribed you the not needed 'town vet standard'? Antibiotics and pain relief. Amoxicillin and rymadal (sp?) Plus £20 for a bandage!! Bloody vets!
  4. Drachthaar is just the German name for the German wire haired pointer I believe. It's still a HPR breed so can't really be compared to a terrier, they've got completely different hunting styles. When I was a keeper the estate owner had one that used to catch/maul deer for a past time bloody thing!
  5. Had the same with Tess. Snapped the nail in half the first time and it bled like buggery, took about 4-6 weeks until she was right again. Second time she snapped the bone, so had her to the vets and got them removed. Shop around though as my local vet wanted £280 to remove them. Different vet up the road wanted £150. Needless to say I've swapped vets! And next pup ill be making sure there taken off when their new born (£10)
  6. That's the ones. Think it was a brother sister mating or something similar?
  7. Couldn't insure the trip? Do they not cover trips abroad? No need to tell them it's a hunting trip as it won't be used for the hunting.... just a Road trip with friends! Don't we all..... Both types!! Don't suppose you can sort that too can you shroom??
  8. Really liked the look of the parents and was wondering how the pups were getting on? Anyone on here have one and have you got any photos so we can see how they turned out?
  9. Thanks. I'll scan it at work tomorrow and email it through. Have you finalised the dates yet? When do we travel there and back?
  10. Sorry for the delay. I've been on a yacht race in France. My phone wouldn't let me reply to messages etc. I'm definitely still up for this. I'll get the money and Id sent this weekend. I can bring three radios and some hi viz vests with me. Don't know about transport though. I've got a legacy estate but it only gets about 26-28mpg so might be a bit expensive to take?
  11. Can I ask how you guys have got on with the training? Have they got the independence of the Saluki? Must admit their looking like crackers. Wish I'd taken the plunge now and put up with the wrath of the landlord having three dogs!!
  12. Nice size too. She looks a lovely bitch. You got any pics of him? Must admit I do like this cross but the only ones I've seen are half crosses that seem a bit big for my land.
  13. Yeah it'll be good to finally put a face to the name! I'm looking forward to the craic as much as the hunting. I'll try and remember to bring some scrumpy with me for you!
  14. Right then, I'm about to buy the cut vest for tess and need some opinions. What did you buy and are you happy with it? For size etc.
  15. Virtually all the people you here about that get killed by cattle are trying to keep the cattle away from the dog or 'save' the dog from a stampede. The dog's always make it out the field alive, it's the owners who can't run fast enough!
  16. I was up there for a festival/party so not particularly too keen on bumping into much! Lol I managed to meet up with Joe777 for a wander with the dogs and a pint or two, So was good day out anyway!
  17. Are you going to use a collar with the vest? Got to buy mine yet and was wondering what others are going to use?
  18. I'm in a village called English bicnor near symonds yat. At a festival but will be free tomorrow if your near here?
  19. I'm off to the forest of Dean this weekend camping... anyone fancy some practice! Lol
  20. What type of vests did everyone end up going for? and what sort of prices did you pay?
  21. Looks perfect for running the dogs, wide open spaces with good field of view.. Also should be good for getting a few photos or a bit of film of the hunt. Anyone good with a camera going!
  22. With breeding you've got to consider that it's all about Chromosomes. Dogs have 39 pairs of Chromosomes. You always get one side of the pair from the Sire and one from the Dam. Their basically tiny technical drawings for the cells to make the dog. So if both Chromosomes say black fur, you get black fur etc. One of the genes is usually more dominant than the other within most breeds (things like pointed ears in GSD's) things like this will show through in most of the pups. By line breeding or in-breeding, your restricting the amount of different Genes joining the pool so you start to restrict
  23. Can I come along even though I can't get on the hunting trip? I Get back from the Canary Islands on the 9th.... I could stop in on the way home from Bristol airport!!! lol
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