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Everything posted by bullmastiff

  1. I don't know what you class as short but Tess is a touch under 24" and pretty stocky. Can certainly take a knock or two... can't catch bigger all mind but at least she doesn't hurt herself much!
  2. Yeah i'll get her out in it chasing a ball about and see what she's like, try and build her confidence in it.
  3. When I was looking after a friends dog I'd run one lamping and have the other tied by a lead to my waist so my hands are still free. Then just swop them over after each run
  4. Cut vest turned up today. Tess really isn't sure about it!
  5. Your obviously not a proper member!
  6. Just noticed 4 members and 46 guests reading this!!
  7. I've got three radios I can bring along. Not great but they work okay. Joe, I can probably get some hi viz for us and Johnny from work.
  8. Just had to pay £18 for the import duty on the cut vest robbing b*****ds. Delivery on Monday so at least I can relax that it'll be here on time!
  9. Should of left the bar on, then run the exhaust hose into that. Saves you having to bend down all the time! The exhaust gases cool down by the time it comes out the end of the bar so you can poke it about amongst the bales. plus a quick fiddle about and it's back to a strimmer.
  10. The guys obviously keen to test his dog out, why doesn't someone living near by take him out? Even if it's just ferreting at least you/he gets to see if it's got anything to it? It's easy enough to talk down a dog from a photo.
  11. Looked into these a while ago. Check out youtube, there's a fair few clips of them running on lures. None of them looked remotely switched on! Guess it might be different behind some game? I believe their mainly bred for showing not hunting. It a shame as it would of been a nice dog if it took on the borzoi's game Ness...
  12. Try again... http://s76.photobucket.com/user/Lukebully/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Tess%20catch_zps9muoirwf.mp4.html http://s76.photobucket.com/user/Lukebully/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Close%20run_zpsikpyjdls.mp4.html
  13. The weather closing in again. Tess catching a 'hole hopper' The one that got away. (Please excuse the language!)
  14. Looks like it'd be to big/awkward to fit in your pocket?
  15. Well the quick trip to the vets for a rabies jab turned into a £110 bill... had to have Parva and distemper as well as the rabies and a new microchip as the old ones stopped working. bloody dogs!!
  16. Sounds like a case for a professional? Spaniels take a lot to wind up to the point of trying to bite something so might be a mental health issue rather than a obedience problem? Google 'Rage syndrome'. All the best with the pup and I hope you get it sorted.
  17. Would be good to know about the transport as I don't have anything arranged yet. I Would rather not take my car as it's a 14 year old, beat up, gas guzzler!!
  18. Yep, I'm sure she'll do fine. She's booked into the vets tomorrow for her jabs so her passports up to date. Ive got my EHIC card and passport already so just need the cut coat to turn up and I'm all ready to go!!
  19. I went for the bay vest too. Was going to order the viper vest but Michael said the kevlar one was much better and a fair bit lighter too and was only $10 more.. Roybo I'll be happy if tess actually chases a pig let alone try stopping one!!
  20. Cheers Joe. that made good time Lee. Hope mines as quick so I can get tess used to wearing it and yes I ordered it from michael at hog dogs.
  21. Righto, cheers DnN. Did anyone's cut vests get stopped at customs and how much duty did you have to pay? Just hoping mine comes through without any problems!
  22. I'll be pulling a fair few sick days for beating this year so can't take too many!!!
  23. I know the hunting days are the 7th-8th of jan but what days are we heading out and coming back? I need to get my hols booked off work.
  24. Cracking day out again with the petherton posse and the weather held up well all day which was a bonus for my man flu! My wrists are still buzzing from the stings!!
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