Joe's Dace is a collie X, that's why he's worried, His dog is smart enough to know when it's out matched. Us point and shoot bull X boys should be fine!! lol!
That's what I'm hoping once she see's them running and with a bit of encouragement she'll twig on their ok to chase.
Has a replacement been found for edrd yet?
Contacted Leprevo, their minimum order is £18. They suggested looking in a charity shop for a leather hand bag. So I'll give that a go.
archie, I've got ten inches to cover, your pouch is only designed to cover two!
Hopefully Tess will get stuck in, just hope she's fast enough to catch up with the buggers!!
Will be a bit embarrassing if the beaters do their job and the catchers don't get anything!
I was just going to rough cut it, fold it in half and sew it together!!
I'm was just going to make a rough sheath for a 6" boning knife so it hasn't got to be pretty and onay needs to last a week!
Anyone got any idea'so where I could source a piece of leather or thick webbing to try and make a knife sheath?
Off boar hunting on the 3rd of Jan and don't want to buy a large knife especially for it so want to take a kitchen/boning knife with me.
Won't be the first time ive been called a wrong'un!
On a more serious note, is anyone taking dog food with them or just going to buy it out there?
don't want to carry 3 kilos of food with me for no reason!
Wales123 you can still bring your swimming cozzie, I'll bring me banjo and we can act out that scene from deliverance ;-X
Probably the only squealling I'll be hearing all week!
Chilly... you mean I've got to bring more than two pairs of shorts with me???
You'll be telling me next that there's no sangria and club 18-30 resort. Thought we were going to Spain ffs
With Tess she'll stay to heel as long as the rabbit doesn't start running. Have walked her pretty close to some squatters without her going before I've hissed. If it gets up and runs I'll hiss her on but to be fair she's usually already moving!!
Roo had very little heel training but I just got to trust him off the slip. He wasn't the type to walk right next to you but would stay fairly close.
Think this was one of the few vids I got of him before he died.
I'll probably be taking the camcorder with me and also one of those cheaper helmet cam things. Might take me a while to edit though as most of the footage will probably be from 4ft up one of those dwarf oaks, squealing like a girl as a piglet runs by! (Same as I did in Germany!!)
Depends on what sort of area your in and what other animals are about. Not so bad on the dales where it's just rabbits but round my way your more likely to bump into Badgers than a rabbit. Hence the dog stays on a slip. Tess will happily work without a slip when it's just rabbits about and I'll hiss to send her down the beam.
Sounds like he's doing you proud.
I ended up with 3 freezers with Roo filling them. Collect up as much quarry as you can during the winter ready for the summer BBQ's!!
Shroom, hurry up and pay you tight git!!
it's either you or a Yorkshire man that hasn't paid yet!
Last time shroom dropped a penny he caught it on the back of his head when he bent down to pick it up!!