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Everything posted by bullmastiff

  1. Usually it's the oil seals that go in turbos. If your good with a spanner you can buy the refurbishment kits fairly cheap now. There's also companies that will refurbish your old one. Usually a damn sight cheaper than a new one?
  2. My Tia has passed away so I'll be looking at getting another dog but we don't have time for a pup at the minute. So getting an older dog would possibly suit us. But before I try and convince the missus about looking at your bitch, could you give me some more details perhaps? What training has she had, have you worked it at all and is it broken to stock and ferrets? I was checking through your old posts about the bitch and you said a few tiimes that she was a bit of a live wire and could be a bit full on around strange dogs. Is she still like this or has she calmed down with age. Nothing wro
  3. Wouldn't open for me either with Windows Media Player but I used VLC player and it worked fine.
  4. Cheers guys. I've put a large bowl of water in their just in case and I thnk she's been washing in it guessing by the state of the water the day after! I'll keep changing it out daily. Cheers again for the advice.
  5. She's still out somewhere. I came on home! Ferreting on the morning so can't sit up much later! Bless old tess I don't know to feed her or not!! Can't run on a full stomach bit can't work tomorrow on an empty one!
  6. I'm sure my missus is an anti... was supposed to go out last night lamping but she stopped me, then arranged to go out tonight and she gets me pissed Blaming it on valentines day! Bugger it, pissed or not I'm heading out for a wander!
  7. brilliant, thanks. I don't have access to his house just the mews from my gardenot. Another quick question and probably a stupid one but do falcons need fresh water? I presumed so but I couldn't see a bowl or drinker in their so put a bowl of water in for it but it hasn't touched it? Do they not drink a lot or do I need to put down water some other way? Cheers again.
  8. Hiya, was just after some advice. My neighbour is in hospital with a throat infection (he had throat cancer) he was only supposed to be in for a few days but it's been over a week now. I'm currently feeding his falcon for him. As it was only a few days he just gave me chicks to feed to the bird. 4 a day But as it's been longer I'm starting to worry if there is anything else I should be doing? I've started shooting some birds to feed it but don't know if this is enough? (I make sure the pellet isn't in the bird before feeding) Any help and advice appreciated!! Cheers Luke.
  9. Brilliant thank you. I'm not far away at all. PM inbound.
  10. Hiya Donna, I only have two dogs (ones old) but would certainly appreciate taking some meat off your hands regularly. what part of Somerset are you in?
  11. As soon as the animal starts to cool the fleas are usually starting to jump off. An hour at the most and they'll be else where. as long as the dogs upto date on flea treatment then they'll mop up any from the house/garden. As soon as they bite the dog they die so no worries.
  12. Nope. Tried using hounds/terriers to find them and running dogs to stop them. The guide had a minster of a gun with him for safety reasons
  13. I can't add much to whats been said already. Maybe with more people and more dogs we could of caught or perhaps just focused on spotting one boar and chasing the bugger down rather than working entire gullies through? who knows! Either way it was an adventure and I got to hang out with some great guys I never get the opportunity to hunt with normally. Here's a few pics I took on the phone between trying to push my lungs back up my arse! 20150108_141232 by thlboarhunt, on Flickr 20150108_135305 by thlboarhunt, on Flickr 20150108_130707 by thlboarhunt, on Flickr 20150
  14. Bloody hell Mush, your shopping list is getting longer and longer! at this rate all I'll have room for in me bag is the speedo's!
  15. I've grabbed 4 hi-viz vests so I've got two spare if anyone needs one? Got to return them to work though so try not to get them dirty! lol The hunting in Spain is on Tues-Weds but me and Joe are heading to France on Sunday to help his Dad with a boiler and hopefully for a mooch about.... Taking the lamp just in case. Now if only I could find my telescopic fishing rod.....
  16. Leaving for joe's place tomorrow, so my holiday starts from then. Getting properly excited now!! Just trying to make sure I pack everything.
  17. The action cam thing still hasn't arrived so will try and get some footage on the camcorder and phone. Probably won't catch most of the action but hopefully get some on video.
  18. Might bring some of this cloudy cider with me.... beats all bran and a banana any day!!
  19. Doesn't help she's a tart anyway! She'd stand whether she's in heat or not! As you said Joe the drives going to be a mini adventure all on its own! Mushroom are going to be Kenneth Williams or sid James!! Ooh matron!!
  20. Not great news, looks like I'm going to have the same problem as ideation. Tess has started to come into season. She's not due till the end of Jan but has started spotting on the floor. I'll probably never breed from her so will nip in the vets on Monday and see if the injection is an option. If not then she'll have to stay on lead until needed.
  21. Cheers fellas. Bob it's a type of plastic sheet wrapped in canvas so hopefully should be fine. cheers for the idea though.
  22. All sorted! Managed to find a old chisel set holder. Hacked it in half, then stitched it with some wax cotton cord and then ran some strong glue down all the seams, jobs a good'un! Bit rough and ready but will stop me slicing my leg open for a week. Thanks again for the suggestions.
  23. The missus is getting wound up with me going on about the trip. Last time I went boar hunting I couldn't bring the dog with me, so proper happy to be able to bring her this time. Two weeks to go!!
  24. Lee, we'll need all that extra space to get the huge quantities of pork back into England! ! Blackstaff, if there's water there it could end up just like that! Tess can't swim a stitch so if she went in I'd have to follow!! lol.
  25. Yep, think dace is going to do Joe proud. Think all the dogs will be fine, it's us finishing that we should be worrying about!
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