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Everything posted by bullmastiff

  1. Can't be too hard to try and copy? A trolley that straps to your waist I mean not the whole rucksack bit?
  2. I've got no choice but to lamp alone. most of my mates are into rifle shooting so always lamp from a truck. Only friends I have that lamp with dogs are 100 miles away And I've got to invite them down for a mooch on my permission so it'd hard to sort. I love being out at night when everyone else is tucked up, I'll walk bloody miles on me own. only spooky thing I've had was a pair of eyes light up near the hedge and the the dog wouldn't leave me side? Walked on and they followed me for a while but the dog would watch them but not leave of my knee. Every time I put the lamp on behind me the
  3. Any swapped them out? Got a 99 legacy that I think will need new bushes soon and was wondering if outback suspension would be a straight swap whilst I'm at it? Love the leggy but could do with a bit more ride height for harvest time. Did it affect the handling much Or is it still good on roads? any info would be much appreciated!
  4. With .177 you don't have to judge the distance as accurately but if you miss the engine room/brain it can pass straight through And you lose your quarry. .22 is more forgiving as you don't have to hit the exact spot to kill a rabbit or pigeon and it will still punch them over But distance has to to judged more accurately or you'll be nipping pellets under or over their heads. The choice is yours!! Lol
  5. Glad to hear there working now But that's a bugger about your knee though. If you get to borrow them Joe bring them down here, be interesting to see exactly where the f*ck Tess gets to when following!! Lol
  6. Slightly different topic but do you still need a rod licence to fish?
  7. you're not wrong there the strapon hasint a clue dogs never gona retrieve like that there just gona rip the rab apart ?
  8. I think it's discracfull that your running a pup doubled up so young, Everyone knows you should at least let the adult teeth come through before letting them run...
  9. Congratulations guys, you must be chuffed as nuts! JM, They've got to prove you were intentionally going out to hunt the quarry first. Hunting certain quarry is illegal not accidentally bumping into food groups!!
  10. Same as me. Getting the dog fit for all the summer hunting :-D
  11. And what are you doing awake Joe! You'll need your sleep for tonight! Lol
  12. 120 for each collar and 370 for the receiver. plus spanish vat plus shipping. that's for just their VHF unit not the gps/VHF system
  13. Can I ask how much you paid for the bundle? Was looking at the tiny loc system but they want about £600 Which is crazy money!
  14. That's why it won't work then. It's already got the new firmware on it. Just did a Google search and you can download the old version of the firmware, rename it and copy it across to you unit. That will put it back to the old version before the frequency was banned in Europe.
  15. Sounds like someone's plugged it into a computer and updated the unit. now it won't work in the UK due to illegal frequency So they've sold it on eBay. Check on Google to see if there's a way to downgrade the firmware.
  16. This breeding has always interested me. In theory it has everything I want in a dog As long as they throw to the faster end of the cross. Posted about them looking for litters a few times in the past but not many well bred pups come up to the general public and most decent litters tend to stay amongst friends, So if you find a good litter ideation, then keep me in mind! Sounds like your after the same type of dog as me.
  17. I think a whippet would restrict you too much? Great on the rabbits but if you see anything else you'd be wishing you had gone for the 1/4 cross. plus the collie will give a good jacket.
  18. Remeber seeing this online a while ago. Not a bad effort! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2757759/Is-ultimate-man-cave-Father-eight-converts-drab-basement-authentic-log-cabin-complete-window-overlooking-wild-frontier.html
  19. Saluki's have a smoother gait than greyhound crosses so I would of thought they'd cope better than most? I've run Tess on stuff like that several times and apart from the occasional broken nail she was fine and she's a fair lump of dog So I guess as long as they've got good hard feet most should cope okay?
  20. if you wear it in a sheath just make sure it's on the side of your belt.... wouldn't want to fall over on that!! Looks cracking though
  21. You ever whacked her or shouted at her for not coming back? (or more importantly shouted at her when she did finally come back after f*cking off somewhere?) Sounds like she's scared of what will happen when she gets back to you? She might be a sensitive dog? I've never owned a saluki cross but I've heard they can be stand offish sometimes, maybe she's just trying to stay out for a longer walk and burn off some more energy with or without you? I'd take it back to basics and start recall training from the start again. Plenty of treats and lots of stupid girly voices maybe? All the best with
  22. It always falls back to the same thing. Buy a pup from dogs doing the job you want... but how do find dogs doing the job you want!!
  23. Sorry, was a bit of a daft question. I was drunk and should of been tucked up in bed! can a mod remove this?
  24. Say you wanted a lurcher for a particularly fast quarry let's say for comparison sake a roe Deer, Maybe the occasional long run. Maybe a minute, maybe less? But only 5 or 6 runs a night. Perhaps you wanted to take a fox if it presented itself? Let's take a stab in the dark and guess it might be used for daytime work as well as lamping? What type of lurcher would you pick and why?
  25. Sorry fella. Think I'll just wait until the timings right and get a pup.
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