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Everything posted by bullmastiff

  1. It was my wife that spoke to her, I was at work. She's already agreed to her coming over at 10am tomorrow
  2. My Wife took Tess to the beach a while ago and a Cocker Spanial came over barking at the sister in laws Collie, Tess went for the Cocker and clamped on it's head/neck. The Dogs were seperated and the Cocker was playing again in the sea whilst she was talking to the owner. My wife offered to pay the vets bill, which they've now emailed over to us. (£200). Was waiting tilll the end of the month (pay day) to pay it. My wife has just had a call on her Mobile from a PCSO saying the guy is now claiming Tess bit him too whilst he was trying to seperate the dogs, so she needs to come over and measure
  3. Yes there should be an adaptor with it.if you can test fire it then all's well. There's not a huge amount of things to go wrong with pcps. Mainly seals (you can buy seal kits from chambers pretty cheap)
  4. Don't think the nuts are as big and as said they go soft quick because of our damp, cool weather but yes its the same tree. I think the woods worth more than the turk is stuff though as it grows slower so gives a tighter more varied grain.
  5. Probably not whilst it's so sharp still, let the rain get to it for a bit. Mind you, depends how long the stubble is I guess.
  6. Donna, if you don't get it sorted, give me a shout.
  7. Ordered the Alpha 100 and tt15 collar on sunday, they turned up on tuesday. Charged it up and it works straight out the box! Already paired together and maps etc working fine. Shocked me self twice trying to work out how to use it mind you! Turns out the three big buttons on the top are for tone, vibration and then zapping the pooch. Hopefully never have to use them but was worried about sheep as have been told the hill/forest sheep can turn a normally stock broken dog and as tess has only met the normal fat, white variety I don't want her pulling the other types when out.
  8. Just need to set your folder options to private and it locks the folder, only showing the pics you post.
  9. You could try Flickr but I think it's about the same as photobucket
  10. Any pics of the parents? What percentage running dog were they?
  11. Good find Joe. Works out cheaper than ordering from the states and next day delivery!
  12. Just ordered the alpha 100 and tt15 collar. had to do it quick before I changed my mind and thought about how much I'm spending! Just got to hide it from the missus now!!
  13. I'm waiting on MIK to breed his bitch. Must admit, I am sorely tempted with a dog pup though. Should make a good height and seem to have good breeding behind them.
  14. Any pics of the pups that are left?
  15. If you print it then just put it in the frame upside down!
  16. If you print it then just put it in the frame upside down!
  17. There's a fair few lads that drink cider ...... Brilliant. If I bring the cider with me then, would that cover the food or should I bring extra food too? what about the raffle? Do we all bring something for the raffle?
  18. I'm not bringing gallons of cider to find out its just the two of us that drinks it! You'll only have to bring two cups with you! Seriously it's not bad cider, although I can get the stuff with lumps in if anyone wants to try it...
  19. Honest answers would be helpful!! What should I be bringing with me? Socks is sorting a pig for the bbq archie is bringing 100's of pieces of bacon for breakfast. Does everyone drink cider or ale? Maybe I could bring a few gallons of one (or both) with me. As I'm in Somerset I can get scrumpy?
  20. To Downgrade the software you basically download the old program version (before 3.6 I believe) Then name it the same as the new software that's on the garmin then overwrite it onto the garmin. That should take it back to before the frequency 433hz was banned in Europe.
  21. The 'storefront' of my dog accessory. thought it was too good to be true!!
  22. Big lurks have you used that site before? Looks too cheap to be true! lol Description says Garmin astro 320 collar and dc40 so is it 250 for the collar or a garmin and collar do you think?
  23. I'm Looking to buy a tracking system but cheapest I've found was £373 +£23p&p for astro 320 and one dc50 collar. Is this about right or is their cheaper about? Any help from guys that have bought the garmin system already would be great cheers
  24. Their harvesting in three weeks on the estate near me, crops have really come on with all this sun we've been having. They'll have it ploughed in and seeded again within a week of cutting though, sometimes same day... I haven't seen stubble left over winter in years. Even the maize will have had late germination wheat sown at the same time so as soon as they've got the maize cut the wheat's already in the ground and rooting.
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