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Everything posted by rick12345

  1. would it take the blueing of it mate Not if you're careful, you only need a tiny bit on a rag, then wipe softly to the rusty area.
  2. Solval autosol to remove rust (carefully as its quite potent) then keep it oiled...
  3. On the flip side of the coin, my smaller Lurcher, being brindle, IS invisible, from early evening onwards. She seems to have perfect camouflage. (Pick of both in my avatar)
  4. Never had a problem with white/pale dogs.... other than the b*****d not retrieving.....
  5. I'm really liking this one Rick It's nice and short but, I've made it a bit longer by sticking an HW silencer on it but, it makes it really quiet Couldn't afford a silencer in those days.
  6. People used to do well, with the ultra, at a club I used to attend.
  7. I had the mpt version of that rifle, many years ago. Great little rifle, it was only 28" long.
  8. Just chases them away from the immediate area. I'm not too worried about it tbh, like I said he doesn't actively go after them, just when they get too close.
  9. Thanks for the replies, chaps. Nothing unusual then (other than trying to beat the dog with a dead sheep). My old dog is 9 now and never been a problem around sheep, alpacas or llamas, but still doesn't like cattle. He doesn't go out of his way to chase them, but curious/young cattle usually approach and he has a pop.
  10. I would be interested to hear people's different methods.....
  11. Wouldn't be 'normal', as they are a pastoral breed. But very versatile, and regularly used for tracking people in emergency situations, so I don't see why they couldn't track a fox.....
  12. Nature is cruel, but nature all the same.....
  13. There was a woman, who travelled the Middle East, alone, to disprove the stereotype. She was raped and murdered....
  14. rick12345


    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shope_papilloma_virus Hope this doesn't make it's way over here....
  15. lol only used it in the garden and I've not used it at all since getting the impact.
  16. All the usual accessories included. Also free floating barrel, with roman cylinder band, anti tamper removed. Adjustable stock fitted by uk Neil. Sling swivels fitted. Hardly used, probably only fired a tin of pellets in the garden. Bought for hft but never get time to go. In cracking condition, action 9/10 stock 9/10 being fussy. Any questions, just ask. Scope, bipod and sling not included in sale. £650 Regards Rick
  17. Only a cub, an adult would be a VERY different prospect.
  18. Know a lad trying to rehome a boerboel, 17 months old and 97kg. Absolute monster.
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