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Everything posted by rick12345

  1. Very nice! I’ve just given in to temptation and bought another impact...?
  2. I’ll take him for a bit of ferreting on Sunday, at the same place. Seems to be the only perm I have that’s holding any rabbits.
  3. Not bad for a nearly 10 year old pot licker
  4. Were those squirrels all taken in one session? I’ve just put a couple of feeders up on one of my shoots, early days yet...
  5. The vet I use is like that... the others are robbing b*****ds, at least dick Turpin wore a mask...?
  6. Most of the vets around here are a business and charge big money. First thing they ask;- “is the dog insured” whilst rubbing their hands together. I have to travel 15+ miles to see the vet of choice. The local vet wanted to charge me £334 for a 10-15mm cut on my other lurchers hock a few years ago.
  7. Most politicians are land owners, it would be thrown out in a second.
  8. I’d start a petition if I thought it would do any good.
  9. Not as bad as last time, but still...
  10. Saw collared doves mating a couple of weeks ago...
  11. http://www.ameristep.com/blinds/doghouse-blind.html got it off eBay £48 inc postage
  12. Just bought one but not had a chance to put it up yet. Got it for squirrel shooting, mind. Will report back when I’ve had a chance to try it.
  13. Already sent that pic to my welsh friends, with relevant comments ?
  14. Took the dog for a shine about the farm Thursday night. Found this Darwin Award contender ?, freed loads of sheep that were stuck to brambles but this one was a real bright spark ?
  15. Took the dog for a shine about the farm Thursday night. Found this Darwin Award contender ?, freed loads of sheep that were stuck to brambles but this one was a real bright spark ?
  16. I had an eu hybrid Jill. Hard little critter on the rabbits, but not so Health-wise. When she went to be spayed because of suspected pyometra, they found her bladder was full, with a bladder stone and she passed away, under the anaesthetic.... That's a shame! How old was she? The other two ferrets on the picture are two EU Hybrids too. My experience with them is that they are much tougher than the albino ferrets, healthwise too. Think she was only just over a year old
  17. I had an eu hybrid Jill. Hard little critter on the rabbits, but not so Health-wise. When she went to be spayed because of suspected pyometra, they found her bladder was full, with a bladder stone and she passed away, under the anaesthetic....
  18. I have the 6.5 and didn't have any problems ratting.....
  19. Dutch shepherd, I've just got a pup and if its anything like the parents, good luck getting into my house..... If you do, best of luck getting out.
  20. rick12345

    Boerboel .

    Chap I know has a male, 15 1/2 stone and not 2yrs old yet......
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