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Everything posted by rick12345

  1. Staff x parson The parents are below. Was never worked, had to give him away when split up with the mrs. He is however a little fecker, if it moves he will nail it or die trying.
  2. Cheers matey, Cows arse and shovel spring to mind !! Comedy of errors to start with eh. Was very entertaining though. Will deffo do it again soon mate.
  3. I'll come with you mate, I only live down the road in stives.
  4. http://www.bungay-suffolk.co.uk/news/features/rolfe.htm Think i'll have a look for this book, looks interesting. Have read a couple by a bloke called Albert Spring who was a gamekeeper around my way for years. They are a good read, cant remember what they were called now, Had to throw them out a while back when one of my pups chewed them to bits.
  5. Plenty to keep you going rolfe. Is that you first or last name ? My last name is rolfe and i know that this spelling is quite unusual. Marky r, rabbit meat is full of protein but not much in the way of carbs. Have read stories from years ago from people dying from malnutrition during the gold rush whilst eating mainly rabbit.
  6. hi rick I'm with the b.a.s.a i had my card in 4 weeks plus have a criminal record from 20 years ago and it only cost £ 19.95 if you have a conviction it may take a bit longer to get your card. so basically RICK your statement is untrue P.carter don't listen to rick because he doesn't know what he is talking about regarding b.a.s.a regards DAVY Dont quote me as not knowing what i am talking about, I am talking from experience not just an opinion. I have also spoken to quite a few people on the same subject, different forum, and the same applies. And as for the 4 weeks it took to
  7. hi rick I'm with the b.a.s.a i had my card in 4 weeks plus have a criminal record from 20 years ago and it only cost £ 19.95 if you have a conviction it may take a bit longer to get your card. so basically RICK your statement is untrue P.carter don't listen to rick because he doesn't know what he is talking about regarding b.a.s.a regards DAVY Dont quote me as not knowing what i am talking about, I am talking from experience not just an opinion. I have also spoken to quite a few people on the same subject, different forum, and the same applies. And as for the 4 weeks it took to
  8. BASC is the best cover and the most reliable. BASA arnt very good service. You would be lucky to get your membership card before its due for renewal. Also BASA do want to know if you have criminal convictions although i dont know if it affects the price you pay. I always go with BASC anyway, better cover and much more relaible.
  9. Does anybody know how to treat a rabbit skin ? I want to make a lure for my new pup. I shot one this afternoon and currently have it pinned out on a bit of plywood. I have also salted it, not sure if this is the right thing to do but im sure i saw someone do this to a skin on tele. Any tips would be greatfully received.
  10. Personally i wouldnt feed rats to a rat ! Like ron weasley said, if the disease risk isnt enough there is a chance they could have been poisened.
  11. Its a shame when you get idiots like that with unsocialised dogs. My german sheppard was attacked by a jack russel when he was a puppy and he was a nervous pup anyway. The cock sucker thought it was funny until i got his jack by the scruff and threw it away. Then he had a pop so i had to give him a good hiding. Was walking through the town centre with my staff one day when i saw this bloke walking towards me with a german shep straining at the lead and growling. I grabbed my staff as he is never on a lead. (by the way he is very well socialised and good with other dogs until they have a pop at
  12. Lovely looking dog. Your camera is set to american date format mate.
  13. Or this one http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...c=60226&hl= Its not about proving your a hunter, its a pic to paint a picture of the foray. Suppose you dont read magazines with hunting articles in either, as most of them have pics.
  14. You wont like this one then ! http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...c=60512&hl=
  15. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...c=60454&hl=
  16. i it was bull my lurcher who had them all. good dog is old bull Some old Bull
  17. try entering a coursing match mate ill front the cash were bound to win with your dogs there the best honest lol well all my mates say they are the best around here. mind you they are bull/grey whippet bedlington/saluki deerhound ,foxhound/x staff/spanial whippet collie lab grey (dave sleight's dog pcnl )to my best ever bull grey,collie,whippet xsalki bull grey/pointer bull grey. real good dogs. ive got pups from above for sale. all make 24" and all black. £750 each youll never get this chance again, to buy the best lurchers this country have ever seen. dont miss out on this litter. p
  18. you traiter you lol Jesus H, there will only be Baz and Terry left at this rate. Rick
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