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Everything posted by rick12345

  1. Heres mine, he wont be doing a lot this season as only 20 weeks.
  2. Name is Rick 34, live with mrs, no kids, Have a Staffie a Parson Russell a 18 week lurcher a cat and two ferrets. PS Ferts live in big new hutch.
  3. cheers rick, my shooting partner has a huntsman classic i think there simlar action's on them an his is quiet bit of hammer slap but exceptable, daystate's on the list then!! Daystate mk 3 & mk 4 have electronic firing mechanism, no hammer slap.
  4. Daystate with daystate or weirauch silencer. My mk3 with weirauch was whisper quiet. Have the mk4 now and am still waiting for the adapter to arrive so i can put on a second stage silencer. It is very quiet with the built in one. Should be nigh on silent with second. Rick
  5. Made me chuckle. Bit of a blast from the past Rick Astley. Mrs started to take the piss cos she thought i was trying to download it....
  6. I reckignise them very well and a true blast from the past too. I used to have one given to me by my dad when I was 9 years old.. FREE PELLETS HERE, you b*astard lol.
  7. Looks a beauty now, you have done a good job with that one. shame about the toe though.
  8. Love the russel in the second pic, nice lakie too.
  9. feel for you mate, he was a spit of one of my old dogs woody, i still miss the old bugger and hes been gone 14 yrs. all the best Rick
  10. That was a bloody sneaky photo mate.
  11. Bet snow white loved it when he brought that fecker home.
  12. They are ok, bloody heavy as i remember. How you doing mate, been out much ? Have only been out shooting once since that lamping trip and that was a competition. How are you fixed for a trip out this week on some of my land ? just say the word mate i always fancied one of them fenmans Stick with pcp mate, was ok back then but wouldnt have one now. Try a daystate, cant see myself having anything else now.
  13. UNIVERSITYCHALLENGE (BBC2) Jeremy Paxman: What is another name for 'cherrypickers' and 'cheesemongers'? Contestant: Homosexuals. Paxman: No. They're regiments in the British Army who will be very upset withyou. BEG, BORROW OR STEAL (BBC2) Jamie Theakston: Where do you think Cambridge University is? Contestant: Geography isn't my strong point. Theakston: There's a clue in the title. Contestant: Leicester. BBC NORFOLK Stewart White: Who had a worldwide hit with What A Wonderful World? Contestant: I don't know. White: I'll give you some clues: what do you call the part between y
  14. They are ok, bloody heavy as i remember. How you doing mate, been out much ? Have only been out shooting once since that lamping trip and that was a competition. How are you fixed for a trip out this week on some of my land ?
  15. Started at 7 with a little original break barrel .177 which i still own now. am now 34 and still going. Was trying to think of all the rifles i have owned over the years the other day, will try to list them now. Original 177 this was ancient when i got it. Milbro .22 break barrel Bsa meteor .22 Mk 2 Airsporter .22 Air arms jackel .22 air arms firepower .22 only sold this in june cf 16 underlever .22 cant remember the make Theoben hw90tb .22 Theoben rapid 7 .22 Titan mpt .22 tiny little thumbhole pcp Airsporter stutzen .22 Air arms tx200 hc .22 Brocock safari .22 (pump up cartridg
  16. Decided to build a new fert hutch as i think the old one was too small. What do you all think ? Just got to felt the lid and its done. Removeable lid above sleeping quarters with storage space above.
  17. Its all about personality for me.
  18. Whats that staff seen to make you want to use it as a cross mate ? It was an accidental mating. The parson was kenneled outside, My staff got his head through the catflap and kept going. He pushed the bottom panel out of the door and broke into the kennel ! When i got home from work they were both lying on the sofa, having a ciggy if you see what i mean.......
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