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Everything posted by rick12345

  1. Looks like a strict training regime there, how does it get on with the dumbell?
  2. Shot a couple of black ones on my permission, they usually have a ginger coloured belly too. I always give the tails to a mate for fly tying. They are just melanistic grey squirrels and should be shot at every chance........
  3. Had a similar thing myself last week. I shot a squirrel at one of my permissions and thought i would pick it up on the way back, anyway by the time i had made it back that way one of the landowners cats was tucking in to my squizzer with another 3 of the buggers watching and waiting for thier turn.
  4. I am in stives mate if you want to come out for a go sometime. Did you look after a whippet called Harry by any chance? If so i think we met at the autumn show.
  5. Mine was the same mate. Will come good when shes older.
  6. sorry to hear about your circumstances and hope all works out well for you. Regards Rick
  7. My Staffie Murphy, 8 years old now.
  8. that looks the business, how much are they ? and do they get painted or stained for the price?
  9. very, very nice, you have an obvous talent for this sort of thing.
  10. Look like real crackers, have another bump........
  11. Blood thirsty one that one..............
  12. Them grand vitaras are pretty good mate, as a car type 4x4 they are one of the few that have a full ladder chassis..
  13. You need to wire them in parallel mate. ie; connect both reds together and both blacks together, then connect the lamp wires to these as you would with one battery. If you connect them in series ie; red to black red to black, you will double the voltage and blow the bulb. will give that a try and let you no what happens, that should give me the 14amp wouldent it and not the 24v edited to add would i charge as a normal battery ?? lamp That would deffinately give you 14 amp/hour but will take longer to charge. You ideally want a bigger charger for a 14 amp battery pack.
  14. You need to wire them in parallel mate. ie; connect both reds together and both blacks together, then connect the lamp wires to these as you would with one battery. If you connect them in series ie; red to black red to black, you will double the voltage and blow the bulb.
  15. Looks like he has some collie in there as well by the colour of that nose.
  16. I'm in your neck of the woods (so to speak) if you want a hand with them?
  17. Thats the one. If they get real scared they let out a real ungodly smell.
  18. That is a very generous offer LT. I would very much like to take you up on that as i am just starting out with a new venture. Regards Rick
  19. I would say a bird of some sort, as birds use the same hole (cloaca or vent) for both urine and feces, unlike placental mammals, which possess two separate orifices for evacuation.
  20. That wil be great for all those GARYHOUND owners...................
  21. Very very nice. I have the wilkinson sword-ray mears one. If this knife keeps an edge like mine it will do the job with looks to boot. in my opinion it is worth every penny.
  22. thats brilliant news, i am really pleased for you.
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