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Everything posted by rizzini

  1. What do people think of BSA scopes? I was thinking of the BSA Platinum 8-32x 44mm or sweet 17. Thanks in advance.
  2. Stcik with the real CZ. Anyway, talking of rimfire rifles. I dont feel there is much of a choice anyway. Just a few brands and well know models dominating the market.
  3. Save your money and get a berreta silver pigeon. Great guns and will last a lifetime.
  4. Get plastic not fibre wad. I find that the fibre wad cartridges are not that good. Or is it just me?
  5. Guinness all the way. Oh and Guinness original =
  6. So the land I am applying to shootover with a 17HMR as been cleared for a FAC air rifle. Would the FO still have to re-check it for a 17HMR, or will he have some report that will tell him wheather it is safe or not for a Rimfire? All the best, Rizzini
  7. rizzini


    The Nazi came to power thanks to true Democarcy. Germany was in such a bad state that they saw Adolf Hitler as a "Night in Armour" as do some people see the BNP is this country. I agree the BNP do seem like a small light at the end of the tunnel as this country is in such a bad state(for hard working white people). Read the BNP Manifestos and make your own mind up about if you want to vote for them, but dont let anyone tell you who you should vote for. Anyway as long as labour lose the next Election Im not that bothered. People still think Labour are all for the working class but they are n
  8. 1/2 for rabbits at close range.
  9. They give the shot a squeeze as it travels down the barrel. You can have a very wide pattern of shot with open choke. Or you can have a very dense pattern of shot with full choke. These may help http://science.howstuffworks.com/shotgun1.htm
  10. I liek the bit about the shooter bieng 65 with two metal knees
  11. Do you have to write on you FAC application for semi open or open ticket?
  12. Im going to ask for an open ticket then. They can only say no. Do I ask him at the interview or do I write it on my application?
  13. Dont the police prefer the 17hmr to the 22lr as it is deemed safer?
  14. Seems to be true; had my FEO visit this evening and it will be an open ticket from the start. Are you applying for your first FAC?
  15. Im just going to go for both. Whats the worse that could happen.
  16. I think you have to Have a FAC for five years before you can apply for an open ticket.
  17. What is the best Rimfire for rabbits and small Vermin up to 100-150 yards. I cant decide between 22lr and 17HMR.I like the idea of of 17HMR or flong distance but cheaper ammo for 22lr. Any help would be appericated
  18. The SCUM are the ones who are running this country. Like that dumb bich jacquie smith for one.
  19. It was crap and the gaurds are really nice to all of them in there. They should do another bad lads army, but for criminal this time.
  20. I have 1500 acres to shoot pigeons on but it is 2 hour drive so It wont be my everyday piece of land. How to I gte an open ticket? Is it easy to get? Thanks, rizzini
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