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Everything posted by rizzini

  1. Same kind of stuff everyday. Still a good read though.
  2. No I dont think so. Just download another one from a police website.
  3. Go for it mate. As long as you eat what you hunt.
  4. Maty j, I'm pretty sure you can tax free accounts in this country.
  5. rizzini


    How long to African Greys they live for. Regarding the partridge. Dont tell him about Auntie O/U either.
  6. rizzini


    Cool parot.African grey?
  7. I'm pretty smart so I can make a bit from investing.
  8. I was not mocking your History. It is pretty good. Im a level B at AS so far and A at GCSE.
  9. I said it challenged it. Not infulenced it! Whats your standard of History anyway?
  10. I said it is what infulenced America's second Amendment
  11. The English Bill of Rights (1689) sets out a right to bear arms. In the 1755 reforms it was challenged.
  12. You will need to be a residen tof that country in order not to be taxed. People go and live in a virtually tax free country such as dubai.They still work in this country though. Its normally rich bankers and wealthy people who have offshore bank accounts. I invest my money in stocks and shares.I make nice sizeble returns aswell. 5% every two months tax free as it's oli shares. They are hard to get into now as oil prices have gone up and up, so shares are abouty £1.90 each.All tax free as they can't tax shares. How much money do you want to put away anyway?
  13. Classic knee-jerk reactions to gun crime. In our bill of rights it says we have the right to keep and bear arms. The Americans copied it from us. I agree with joe blocky.If you have no record you should be able to purchase guns wiithout giving any reason. They should bvring back hanguns aswell. Gun crime is not legally owned guns. I mean how many bank robbers get there guns from say, "litts"??? Point made!Point proven!
  14. Is long range vermin a good reason for 50 CAL.? Just joking lol Anyway. This guy was lucky http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0ABGIJwiGBc
  15. How on earth could you justify a 50cal.? Do they do target shoting wiht it in the uk?
  16. Is the 50 caliber round actually banned in this country? Or is it just the semi auto that fires it. Lol I'm not thinking og getting one, I'm just curious to whether is legal or not.
  17. Nice shooting mate Are the sticks better than a bipod? I coulndt be arsed with having to lie for each shot. Rather sit or stand.
  18. I agree in trying, but I think everyone sees it as the light at the end of the tunnel. I doubt much will become of this. Who started this movement? Are they University educated? Is it even a political movement? There are Hundreds of questions left unanswered.
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