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Everything posted by rizzini

  1. Not much mate with the way things are. £50-100 maybe
  2. Did you know peta want to stop deer stalking in the highlands, and castrate all the red stags instead. Yeah, thats normal
  3. Have you heard the "room for all gods creatures" joke?
  4. 17HHM for Rabbit and 223 for fox. CZ make good, cheap reliable rifles and maybe a simmons or bushnell scope. Hope this helps
  5. I'm a member of PETA by the way P eople E ating T asty A nimals
  6. The only rimfire I have ever used was a cheap 10/22and it's my mates. I think its pretty reliable as we went throught 600+ shots one day and it never jammed. Just kept firing and firing. SS, think of the cheaper model of the 10/22 as the ak47 of rimfires. Not bad at 50-70 yards out and fires as fast as you can pull the trigger. If you want a 22lr for professional rabbit control then dont get a 10/22. It's just the fun factor I like about the 10/22. I have made a Video of the rifle and I'll try to find it and upload it on youtube then post it on here if you want.
  7. I thought people would be selling Guns cheaper.
  8. I was looking for new but it now looks like a S/H gun. I need it in time for the game season so I have a bit of time left to find a sutible gun.
  9. Tin cans, paper targets, even fruit lol. I said the 10/22 is great fun to use and its not bad for close range vermin. He already has a 17HMR so I cant see the point in a sako quad, unless he sells his current 17HMR and gets both sako barrels. The 10/22 and ranch rifle are pure fun.
  10. My friend has a 10/22 bull and it's really good fun. Good for close range Vermin and shooting tins cans and stuff. If you already have bolt actions, then go with a semi auto for the fun of it. I'm no expert by any means though.
  11. Here are the lyrics for it "If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man, You win some, lose some, all the same to me, The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say, I don't share your greed, the only card I need is The Ace Of Spades Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil, Going with the flow, it's all the same to me, Seven or Eleven, snake eyes watching you, Double up or quit, double stake or split, The Ace Of Spades You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools, But that's the way I like it baby, I don't wanna live for ever, And don
  12. Well berretas are alot more expensive than what they where a few months ago.
  13. Here are the lyrics for it "If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man, You win some, lose some, all the same to me, The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say, I don't share your greed, the only card I need is The Ace Of Spades Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil, Going with the flow, it's all the same to me, Seven or Eleven, snake eyes watching you, Double up or quit, double stake or split, The Ace Of Spades You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools, But that's the way I like it baby, I don't wanna live for ever, And don
  14. Is it just me or has the price of shotguns gone up dramatically. I'm looking for a new O/U for the shooting season and the price of all guns seem to have gone up £100-150. I've been looking for a Berreta SP1 and they all seem to be more expensive. A few months ago you could pick a brand new one up for under 1k. Now its more like £1200 plus.
  15. Are there any clubs in the uk that offer target shooting with double rifles.I've always had an intrest in these Gun's. I just dont really have big game on my premssion so I was thinking of a club.
  16. I think you have had some pretty good advice aswell. Good luck with the SGC.
  17. Keeping the bolts in the ammo safe is a good idea.
  18. Thats what I was trying to get at, just without saying it.The video in my signature in of Kristoffer Clausen. I think he is a good Hunter.
  19. Yes, apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us? Monty python?
  20. Decoys and a gun mate. roost shooting is also pretty fund. For that all you need is a Gun.
  21. Why? Cant you comprehend a simple question, or is it just too difficult for you? I posted the question as I came across a certain Article on the internet regarding how cultures influence Hunting. It talked about how Hunting is one of Americas favourite Hobbies but the Europeans still see it as a way of life. On that premise Inuits,kalahari bush men etc beat everyone else hands down,nothing sharpens a mans mind and skill more than a hunger Some people say the Germans are the greatest Hunters of all time. I tend to not agree.
  22. Why? Cant you comprehend a simple question, or is it just too difficult for you? I posted the question as I came across a certain Article on the internet regarding how cultures influence Hunting. It talked about how Hunting is one of Americas favourite Hobbies but the Europeans still see it as a way of life. Did you look up south American freedom fighters while you were on the net at all? Do you mean latin American freedom fighters? I'm not sure what a south American freedom fighter is
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