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Everything posted by rizzini

  1. Divided between the Gun though. I don't wan't hem all to myself LOL
  2. On average, how much would a 100 bird day cost for pheasant? I'd also like to try walked up partridge but I've not come across any on offer as as yet Thanks
  3. Is calling them effective? I've heard the tawny owl call works a treat but I have yet to try it out.
  4. The little owl and the sparrow hawk plastic decoys are very effective in bringing crows and particularly magpies within range, but keep still when these corvids are about - one small move and they will bank away. I have shot many using these decoys with an air rifle with the decoy sat on top of a fence, they will come down and sit on the next post to the decoy especially during the nesting and fledgling season.. I brought a two call set. The owl call sounds great but the crow call sounds nothing liek a crow. It's the faullhaber one, and for £22 I expected better.
  5. I brought a crow and tawny owl call the other week, and I've heard good things about the owl call. I was wondering how effective it will be. Also, is it worth buying a owl decoy as I hear crows hate the things. Cheers
  6. If you don't have the date or time set on your camera, it will come out like that. I'm hardly going to have a photo from that long ago.
  7. Buying them is easier and less time consuming. I takes a while to get through 100 I can tell you. In a BP revolver it wouldtake about 1-2hours to fire 100 shots, and that's shooting and loading fast. I have a fair bit of land, so I might take it out later and shoto a few roosting woddies, with shot that is.
  8. The PM about firing single balls on approved ranges, if the Gun is on a SGC. Hmmmmm, well it's true!
  9. What is not adding up? That I called it a Rifle when it's a smoothbore. Hmmmmm very iffy!
  10. SS, I have a SGC and a FAC. It's not on the FAC though.
  11. Yeah it's proofed. It's a smoothbore, I'm just in the habit of calling it a hawken rifle, even though it is smoothbore. it's a hawken rifle that has been smoothbored. SS, I can't go around saying It's a hawken riflle smoothbore LOL
  12. I'm just getting into flintlocks and I hear pyrodex is hard to ignite, so since the permit is free, I might aswell use real BP. What kind of box does it have to be anyway?
  13. Does anybody know if a Black powder permit if free, for sport and lesiure use (shooter powder) Also, is it like applying for a FAC cert, were yopu have to have photo's and referees. Cheers
  14. I doubt it's the latter. People get hassle becasue someone in there Family has a record, let alone themselves. Do you hold a SGC
  15. rizzini


    His first Fight I ever missed.
  16. What powders can you buy on a SGC?
  17. Am I right to belive you can purchase a smoothbore musket on a SGC? I've heard you can buy a musket, but can only shoot shot from it, and not a single projectile. Pointless law if it's true cheers:victory:
  18. If you are selling Archery stuff aswell, go with target shoot.
  19. What powders can you hold on a SGC? Also, does anyone know where you can source muzzleloading shotguns? Cheers
  20. Could I buy a Smoothbore, Black powder smoothboregun on a SGC. I've been getting intrested in black powder guns after watching some demonstraions at my Local clay ground. Does anyone know where you can buy these typeso f Guns? I've looked all over the internet for muzzle loading shotguns, but it does not come up with much. I'm looking for a replica, and not an Antique so to speak of. Anyone know much abot this type of shooting? Cheers
  21. Coplications because your sister had a caution?
  22. Game guns shoot high and sporter flat?
  23. What are the advantages and disadvanges of a sporting or game shotgun?
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