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Everything posted by rigboot

  1. Some cracking looking Lurchers in the above photo's I think the longer coats certainly give them a right character look to them, proper mooching man's sidekick Think a beddie/whipp cross will be my next dog Keep the pics comin!! Rb
  2. Cheers for that, I haven't so much as seen a Countrymans weekly yet (hence the post) so couldn't comment on it's content nor quality but I'll maybe just pay a but more and go for EDRD subscription instead. A' the best Rb
  3. Lo all, Getting back into the dugs ferrets and general raking aboot again and wondered what happened to the old Shooting News (...weekly if i remember correctly) Used to buy it late 's but what out there has replaced it? Since mooching aboot on the forum is it the Countrymans Weekly?? Use to love Plummers column in the old News, always worth a chuckle. Cheers anyway& may your digs be shallow and rewards at the end!! Rb
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