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Everything posted by omark

  1. have sent you a pm about the boots mate
  2. Hiya k94v,idealy the sire to your pup could have been tested before putting him across the whippet. Doom and gloom aside though this disorder is nowhere near as rampant as it once was. Couldnt really advise you on what age to get a pup tested,you would be better asking a good vet. What i can tell you is that a pup bred like yours{beddy terrier mated to whippet} will never manifest problems of copper toxicosis,at the worst it could be a carrier. If it were me mate i wouldnt
  3. Good topic...Yes,you can breed two bedlington based lurchers together..,provided the bedlingtons which have been used to create the lurchers you plan to breed from were tested and declared free from copper -toxicosis. otherwise you run the risk of mating together two potential carriers of the disease,which will mean that a percentage of your pups will be healthy BUT also be genetic carriers of the disease to pass on to future generations OR,some could be full blown with the disease. This means they are born with a liver which retains copper salts,this usually kills them from about the age of 2
  4. omark


    the dogs are fine if they are brought up properly,problem lies with these vial chavs who are not brought up properly! dogs are only there to boost the idiots egos. in my opinion the only way to get this country back on track is to bring back public floggings for this type of offender. the offenders should then be taken to the nearest hospital to be sterilized,coz lets face it,whether its humans or dogs were talking about...,CRAP breeds CRAP!
  5. just wondering if this bitch is still available, as i will be coming to south wales sometime late on next week. I am very intrested in the bitch, if its still available would it be ok for me to come and have a look at her?
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