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Everything posted by Groat

  1. Probably not worth your while but i would gladly take 100 Partridge so long as there "Greys" as im in the process of re establishing a grouse moor for my employer, and would like to also see the return of the grey Partridge around the moor edges and old pastures. If you have any deliverys in my area (South Lanarkshire) and its worth your while give me a PM.
  2. Nice one HWH, they look well. I've got a load of ply off cuts so i think i'll knock a few together and give them a go
  3. Great read, that young lad will remember that day with you for the rest of his life
  4. Just a few quick words from here in bonny Scotland. Im a gamie working on a scottish estate and am at the moment in the process of learning how to load my own rounds for my 22/250, so while browsing the web found you guys so registered, had a quick look and liked what i see so here i am. Groat.
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