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nightowl 169

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Everything posted by nightowl 169

  1. sounds like a good day out
  2. must admit it is the best springer i shot so far
  3. hi eveyone i was just wondering if any of you own an air arms tx200 as i have just purchased one of a friend and wanted to know what you think of them and there performance. cheers atb nightowl 169
  4. newcastle united geordie through and through !!!!!
  5. sorry meant to put does anyone play poker online?
  6. anyone on here play poker at all?
  7. my personal opinion is bitches are more faithful than dogs but like i say thats only my opinion
  8. sorry to hear that its a shame good luck with the pups mate
  9. cheers mate i'll give it a watch
  10. lol simoman shows i aint up2 speed lol
  11. rampage all the way someone who can beat the likes of chuck liddel must be able to stand up2 forrest all day :11:
  12. dnt know what hob or jill is but have to go for jill lol coursing or digging
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