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nightowl 169

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Everything posted by nightowl 169

  1. hi does anyone know if there any shows round the north east area any time soon any info appreciated thanks atb nightowl 169
  2. what a good topic ALIVE: i think i'd have to go with charlie sheen what a night that would be mike tyson aswel and charlie bronson would be a good one too !!! and DEAD: my grandad he knew everything to know about greyhounds my hero also da vinci and the kray twins would be a mad chat!! atb nightowl 169
  3. tryin to upload photo's but says you cant upload more than 200k how do i get them to that size ?? nightowl 169
  4. i have a whippet x greyhound and she been a real pleasure to train very responsive you dont have to raise your voice more than a whisper dont think i'll ever go for a different setup than these so whats been your easiest ??? and pics would be good too atb nightowl 169
  5. will look better when its healed yeah it looks better now it healed and settled down a bit atb nightowl 169
  6. Really nice work mate. First lurcher tattoo I remember seeing that doesn't look shit. That looks like proper art. :toast: thanks alot mate atb nightowl 169
  7. cheers for the replys and yeah took a while to find the right tattooist to do the job she's my pride and joy and woulda been gutted not to get it done thanks atb nightowl 169
  8. i just got a potrait of my half whippet half greyhound tattooed finally gonna try and get some pics up later on, has anyone else got any tattoos of there dogs or hunting tattoos would like to see them atb nightowl 169
  9. yeah it one of the best feelings ever lol plus the fields i was walking through were full of sheep and she didn't even batter an eye lid. she is half whippet half greyhound! atb nightowl 169
  10. well i left it a long time before i started making her jump she is just over a 1 yr old, she was jumping turn stys but thats about it just i left it because of her bones growing so quick. so on monday she was jumpin little fences say 3 ft or so then on the tues the same and then on the way back home i thought she could jump a little higher as she was showing a lot of intrest in jumpin and doing it so easy she cleared it no prblem then today she was jumpin five bar fences with complete ease not a fence i came to today she couldnt jump so happy to say im well chuffed i am putting a lot of time i
  11. just been out for 3 hrs there did 6 or 7 mile and thats her done for the day part from when she needs to do her buisness in garden like lol some people do talk some crap like wish mine was as fit as some of these haha not sayin everyone is alking crap like!! atb nightowl 169
  12. yeah i agree just i did around 4 mile this morning she ran herself knackered and when i got home she still had tons of energy. i went to put me coat on to go out and she wanted to come with. honestly her stamina is through the rough lol atb nightowl 169
  13. i walk my lurcher 2 and a half - 4 miles around about 4-5 times a week you think this is about average for a lurcher ???? atb nightowl 169
  14. closest i can get as i dont have many photos on my laptop of
  15. p.s she half whippet half greyhound and 24 tts atb nightowl 169
  16. this is mine she 11 months not seen much be she is quickest dog i ever seen i been takin a lot of time with her and she got good obediance too recomend them to anyone atb nightowl 169
  17. yeah miss him tons, hope never have to do it again atb nightowl 169
  18. he had a LOT of power lol unfortunatley had to have him put to sleep in april time, hardest thing i ever had to do. thanks for the reply atb nightowl 169
  19. just bored so thought i'd put this up, best looking staff pup in north east lol hope everyone had a good xmas atb nightowl 169
  20. brilliant pics look forward to seeing more in the future hopefully good luck atb nightowl 169
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