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About nagantino

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/10/1952

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  • Location
    Lisburn, N. Ireland
  • Interests
    Pistols, rifles, DTL. Painting, Photography
  1. Where I live there are lots of feral birds. In fact the land owner mentioned them particularly as they "go " in the cattle fed around the farm buildings. I have found that the feral bird comes real easy to the decoy pattern. I usually mix pigeon and crow decs and the feral birds come to any mix of these. They are as fast as woodies and will jink away also but generally they will come in easy. Last year I left the hide to clean up the pattern of dead birds and in came 4 birds. I just hunkered down with the decs and in they came. I was able to shoot 2 and could not believe they did not see me. S
  2. First off, I envy you. You are in for a treat. Build your hide with care and attention to the fact that pigeons and crows are wily foe. Expect to missa lot and ask yourself "are these barrels bent". Be patient. Cover your hands and especially your face. You need some kit without turning into a KIT TART. Get a seat or stool but not the low fishing type. Buy Sporting Gun and read all about pigeon shooting. Is that enough for now.?
  3. aaron, I am sorry I ever entered that comment without explanation. At its most basid it goes like this.....its unlucky to kill a hare. In ireland people do shoot hares but in many rural places its not done. Its nothing to do with conservation or the preservation of numbers its a kind of pagan thing. "If you shoot a hare then don't come back" is a common thing. In ancient Ireland and En

  4. you say in a post on how o kll hares that hares are better to look a than shoot. i belive all animals are equal and shooting one is know differetn from shooting another speicaes.

  5. Get a battery operated flapper mate, the type you use a dead bird in, its worth 20 static decoys also leave some large gaps between your decoy groups for incoming birds to land in Best of luck Thanks for the reply keith, Ive just returned to decoying after a long absence. Ive just bought a Lanber Gold sporter for decoying, a complete hide and camo set up plus the decoys so it will be a while before I have the dosh for the battery flapper. I have heard and read mixed opinions on the flapper which is another reason to hold back on that. Can I ask: Do you mix crows and pigeon
  6. I was wondering about my decoy pattern this week. I was not attracting any birds and was wondering about pattern. Mine was fairly tight...should the decs have been spread thinly?
  7. Don't shoot a hare. They provide more pleaure to watch than to shoot. They are not vermin but are classed as game. Leave them alone.
  8. I might be a little late on this post but just last week I was shooting in driving rain and wind. My partner and I set up during early rain and it only got worse. We were laughing at the ridiculous ness of it but we shooting all day and missing many birds especially pigeons. The final bag was 49 crows and 5 pigeons. I missed many pigeons but then they are fast. Yes, you can shoot in the rain.
  9. Hi everyone, I am refurbishing an ols Ebor S/S. I can't get the stock off........when I removed the butt plate, thinking I would find a screw fitting or similar there was none there. I don't want to go too far without some forum advice. Has anyone ever done this procedure? The gun is of little monetary value but great sentimental value
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