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About daz339

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    boston lincs

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  1. Earlier on I picked and froze a load of Bullace and Blackberries.Does any one have any pet booze recipes? Regards, John
  2. Can't find any sloes hereabouts but have come across some blue/black fruits about twice the size.Can anyone tell me what they are and if i can use them as I would use sloes.Many thanks. John
  3. Many thanks lads for all the info.Lots to think about there ! Regards John
  4. Having moved out into the sticks I am concerned for the security of the dogs in kennels.Apart from alarms,alarm mines etc can anyone recommend a suitable live out guard dog? Regards John
  5. I would like the boots.Will sendPM Regards John
  6. I think the pictures tell the story very well.
  7. SOAPY, Scope has arrived .Very pleased with .Many thanks. Regards JOHN
  8. Soapy I,ll have this if still available. JOHN PM to follow
  9. Haven,t laughed so much since I saw that "catapult" he was trying to flog a while back.
  10. Cloth and methylated spirits.Works a treat.
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