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Everything posted by donnyc

  1. Footman and James very cheap.
  2. This old bugger has a decent jacket and skin like an elephant
  3. It seems the thing now strip them bare and show them.Seen it at our local show Sunday stuff being put up that looked liked they just came from the parlour LOL..
  4. Totally agree But Im biased as I have an as new nickel one for sale on here .Nice little pistols ..Well up to the job ..
  5. Wheres that then ? Fancy some more eel fishing
  6. Didnt think Id lost the plot ..The early MFR regs were sent out with a horrendous fault and although Theoben knew it they never recalled them..Not the most reliable reg the theoben one..used to have a terrible internal finish ..Glad you got it sorted..I have a few O rings around somewhere for them.
  7. MFR dont or didnt have one they seal on the o ring in the reg.easy fix
  8. Shouldnt have one they seal within the reg
  9. Small O ring just inside reg where bottle screws in
  10. Not sure having a chocolate moment
  11. Can but try mate I had quite a few GBHs quite close together only a couple of years before I applied for a SGL.Got told I was a danger to the public LOL..3 months later I got .22rimmy .17HMR .243.and a sidearm ???Dont make sence really just be truthful explain it fully to the officer when he visits and dont get uptight with him if he trys to get you going ..Good luck.
  12. Firearms certificate mate
  13. donnyc


    Do you dock yours at a day then mate?
  14. any timber blood in it mate?
  15. ??????????? Under an incubator or broody ? chickens or game ducks or geese
  16. Soft top for a Suzuki jeep
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