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Everything posted by donnyc

  1. Be careful Steve dont let on your real address.Never know where it would end up ..Some weird sites out there
  2. Both are mate same sire different dams
  3. Most are sick on here ..Must humour them
  4. Didnt know you wanted some well used second hand ewes Steve
  5. Dont mention those young ladies in their stretchy gear ..Already got high blood pressure
  6. Dont know about memory come FEB you will defo be off the head
  7. Seems it jumps a generation ?? Do you think its because it was pushed to hard into the first generation and it sickened some away from it?.Second generation pick it up again..Like the dogs breed very tight usually its the next generation come better??
  8. How many terriermen are sons of terriermen??Just an idle thought any of you had parents doing it?I should rephrase it to terrier people as there have been a few of the fairer sex to have been in the job .I know a few of you are known to have a funny side ie mincing, make up.etc
  9. There is a chappy north of me uses that method
  10. lol.. Ill second that ..Although Barrie is a very busy man.Like to hear a few tales Barrie from the old times mate
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