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Everything posted by donnyc

  1. Oh Yes definately in fact he sometimes posts on here
  2. Know someone who has two dogs from GM ..Both about 16 TTS and wooly coated neither work to ground but bush well.Strangely enough the man was at peterborough Wed.Porkpie hat as well
  3. No digging for you this season then
  4. Remember when Bigland judged and gave it all to S Parkin..He had to return everything sad .Shit really
  5. you can stick me and Ken on a stall next year mate both antiques LOL.
  6. Yes she was, you couldnt miss her she had bits of cake on her chin
  7. cake?CAKE?? yeah saw the cake on your chin ..bloody hell you will be sitting next to aubrey I reckon .especially when he takes his teeth out
  8. well he soaked my leg twice so I beat the shit out of him with a bit of 4x2 .
  9. C'mon donny, spill the beans......... Well got the info a few of the lads asked for so up to them if they want to pursue it.Not arsed myself as had a days wages LOL.
  10. Well I was quoted £550 from a well known border breeder just recently .Working stock I know but thats a lump by anyones pocket;.So there you go just have to keep tight and hope ..Will need some fresh blood soon so just have to travel for the right dog
  11. For those who need it POST CODE Co62NJ wheres my digging comp sponser disappeared to????
  12. Id say the bitch would have to prove herself first
  13. Not yet .But any hunt terriermen that were there showing PM me.
  14. just heard a major f9ck up today with the terriers.someone purporting to be someone else
  15. Put it in the for sale section then ..Not rocket science
  16. Bit early to ask isnt it?? In a few years time if the bitch works ok why not put a border dog on her?
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