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Everything posted by donnyc

  1. Barrie not 100% correct ..They can be chipped by a Qualified Chipper..Thats the purpose of the courses..Agree Vets should not even consider chipping a pup at time of docking far too young and as you rightly stated they can be chipped by any vet nurse or (registered ) chipper before 12 weeks..
  2. When I did the course they said its fine to chip your own pups My vet said the same
  3. why is it hiding behind a tree?not seen a big squirrel has it
  4. Your nearest pack is the West Norfolk
  5. No interest then lads?
  7. Wrong section should be in sales ..Can a mod move it
  8. Seen too many feck up in the slightest bit of damp,and just go dead on you..Also hunt terrierman for a lot longer mate but that dont mean feck all.. TBH a deben is a deben.Much better gear out nowadays
  9. Its 5 speed manual..It will drive anywhere as long as you remember the brakes are not 100%..PMd the reg
  10. Right ones work as well as any other breed to be honest ..Too many myths about them
  11. do a search mate theres a recent thread about them .. bit of shit on the thread but a few lads still work them
  12. No mate sorry ,and would never use a deben box
  13. SOLD SOLD Thanks for all the PMs
  14. Thats what Ive been told mate but no bites yet..Ive another one been refurbed as well made by Swaine.
  15. leads not that long ..
  16. Any pics buddy, Del. not untill i get some batterys in my camera
  17. AS above full size and fully refurbed by T Hugget ..Steel lined made by Merle and Co. £100 ..Nth Essex .
  18. i got fedup with the show seen becuse of the non working dogs about five years ago.so ive not been for a long time now the people that were showing the non working dogs are now judging.it makes me sick all the show shit and there breeding from them which makes it even worse. Only 5 years?? Been non working stuff at shows many many years before that..Guarantee the terrier judge will be a working terrier owner at least...Mind its a (show) a day out for the craic
  19. EEHSC And SOUTHERN COUNTIES CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS JULY 31st .The Kennels Earls Colne Judging starts at 1400 hrs prompt.Lurcher show family dog show ..White lakie class.. (for the stig)..Bar refreshments etc..Good prize money many many trophies ..See you all again .. :thumbs:Many qualifiers
  20. Ill second that he goes by the name of Willow ..Last known round chelmsford area short about 45 does a lot of rabbitting..Works with horses .Used to fly the owl
  21. all sorted for next season the grass can f$c^ off

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