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Everything posted by donnyc

  1. Borders tails are completely different to other working terriers ..
  2. oh an you are correct nothing wrong with looking through over 200 pages of the terrier section, my time not yours, i thought this was a good read and good pics so i decided to comment, not like any of todays shit ! am entitled to my opinion just like anybody else Whatever
  3. well I know the three above do they know you?

  4. sitting for 21 days he will get cramp
  5. No its not you mate Just a scumbag with the same nickname
  6. Time to pull in a few favours .spare ribs anyone?

  7. Hard to price with no MOT could be rotted out.Better MOTing it ..Ive a soft spot for these old buses .what mileage has it done?
  8. You seem to consistently miss the point on every post you make. You are either illiterate or dont understand fully what you are talking about. A good bolting terrier IMO is one which bolts most of its foxes. It still stays to ground when the fox cannot be shifted as is often the case. What you are describing is NOT a bolting terrier it is a 10 minute wonder. There is a big difference. I hope that clears it up for you as you seem to be continuously confused. FTB AT LAST
  9. a little shite bag cannot stop viewing my profile he needs to get out more ..kill some pigs idiot

  10. Thought you would have done hours ago
  11. Hatched about 30 choc wyandotte banties some Kulang asil and some brazilians two incies still to hatch
  12. Just noticed one has nested outside my window 4 eggs at the minute
  13. lurch will do ferrets eat them afterwards as well.
  14. The Legend was bred by a well known and very rich member on here, she is owned by the equally mythical "Cammoman" (newer members can look him up), her brothers and sisters are what you might call handy dogs and her half brothers and sisters are none too shabby themselves (so legend has it)........but to know all the details, you have to be in The Know Many have heard of her, few have seen seen her.....she is......."The Legend!" thought cammoman had a sex change
  15. they have their seasons over there lot of them hop the border to germany Erik on here will no the routine
  16. As above need some more Qualifiers ..
  17. Some lads digging over there ..Including one thieving fecker
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