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Everything posted by donnyc

  1. Care to enlighten us a bit more on your thoughts?? Pats were firstly bred for earth work and usually have a tendency to enter early not a good thing if you are after a bushing or ratting dog ..Plummers are very adaptable but you would generally really look hard to find digging stock
  2. Neither are an all round terrier IMO..
  3. Swansea Jacks got some decent pups on here and are nearer to you ..Out of working stuff as well .Be better off looking at them if they are still available
  4. one just down the road from me ..In a big old sandy sett
  5. hope he isnt a stalker
  6. About 20 minutes from you LOL near Finchingfield
  7. because it usually ends in grief ..been there done that never no more ..Ok if its a mate .but if a stranger really do the homework
  8. I will only send pics of dam to a mobile mate not suitable for on here
  9. nowt wrong with the white side overall its the best side ..if people stuck to the same type and kept at it get better results in the end..... colour doesnt come into it but blood does
  10. god knows and god knows and no
  11. Been a few freebies in and around Essex mate but they all seemed to disappearwhen they got to 6 month and got shown a few times and got a few rossettes ??? LOL As you fully well know Donny, one dont do shows wasnt aimed at you mate they know who they are LOL
  12. Been a few freebies in and around Essex mate but they all seemed to disappearwhen they got to 6 month and got shown a few times and got a few rossettes ??? LOL
  13. Two dog pups for sale smooth coated .Both parents worked in Hunt service one heavily marked one pure white ..£150 jabbed..Should make 12 13 inch NTH Essex
  14. no mate too old to get on a bike LOL
  15. you can pick a hub up around £30 no need to keep changing them ..Put one shot of grease in them instead of oil ..last forever..Mines had a lot of stick the last few years and are still nice and tight
  16. the jobs easy mate parts are cheap as well...cheaper to buy a second hand swivel complete and stick it on .
  17. As above as new reflex silencer for Superten ..This is a reflex goes down the barrell 6inches superb silencers very very quiet ..Been copied enough so that says it all £50 posted..12 inches long very light but only adds just over 5inch to the length so makes it shorter than a normal silencer..Could be fitted to a rapid with very little alteration ..NTH Essex
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